On the Market

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Danielle and I were bubbling over on our third bottle of wine. Thank the Lords for our high alcohol tolerance levels. We had a binge watched series with ice cream when I can home in my moody mood. Then decided to take it up a level with the wine. She opened up the oven pulling out our homemade pizza. We were damn good cooks.

I pulled on a slice of pizza immediately dropping it back to the ground.

"Shit, it was hot you know this, you ok?"

"Yup I know" I giggled

"It's going to hurt in the morning" we started giggling all over the floor. Tipsy was calling our name and so was my mother.

"Fuck" I muttered answering the call

"Fuck?" She retorted "Jordyn what the hell is going on?"

"Uh, mom isn't it a little late to be calling?"

"I mean when my only daughter isn't returning her poor mother's call, what should she do?"

"Aha," I clicked my tongue "What do you want now?"

"I'm just reminding you of the gala tomorrow evening"

"The Gala?" I said confused

"Yes, see you forgot and you have to be in attendance, we'll also be announcing Lillian's wedding"

Dani and I rolled our eyes in unison "And you announcement for a bachelor"

I choked "A what?"

"Yes we have a lot of established young men attending to gala because of you, and because I oh so my daughter very well, I have you dress being delivered to you at eight in the morning"

I sighed "I am not looking for anybody at the moment you know this of all people"

"Does it look like I care? Your father needs to get a male figure to take over the business instead of selling it. You're the heiress Jordyn, find a man worth legally owning the empire to rule with you" and with that she hanged up the phone.

"I don't know what the fuck she's onto but I'm not selling my happiness for their shitty business" I muttered

"It's fine I'll be there with you" Dani cheered

"Good, I wouldn't know how I would survive."

We downed the pizza with another bottle of wine and went to bed right after.

The next morning, Danielle left a note that breakfast was made and she was on her way home to get clothes to come back and get ready for the gala. I sat at the island munching on breakfast and coffee. Besides the slight headache, my mind was at ease, I didn't realize how hectic my week was.

The doorbell rang and I dragged my feet over to it.

"Delivery for J.Flores"

"Hi" I fake smiled and signed

I dumped the boxes on my bed and went back to my day, which half consisted of work and half consisted of lazing around. Dani came back and 3 and forced me to get ready. We finally opened the box and pulled out the dress. Stunned at the deep red silk cloth held it my, for once I was excited to put it on. It was an off the shoulder dress, that shaped my torso adorned with diamonds. The bottom flowed from my waist to the floor, and a perfect slit all the way to my upper thigh.

"Damn, they grow up so fast" Dani fake sniffled "You're mom really wants you to get a man" She slipped on a number that showed all her curves in the perfect places, a plunging neckline.

"Ugh, I'm dreading such awful times, but I love the dress"

"It could at least be a one night stand."

"You know it"

The limo arrived at my apartment at 4:30 sharp. I didn't think my mother would have gone all out, but her galas keep on getting bigger and bigger.

A red carpet greeted us with professional camera men, the usual business. A lot, and when I mean a lot of people were here. Dressed in their finest of suits and ball gowns. Everyone glanced and me and Dani adoringly. We grabbed glasses of champagne and started to make our way to the most empty area, where we always stood. So we knew where to go, who to avoid and whose business to mind.

"Jordyn" my mother and father greeted "Danielle" they said curtly

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Flores" Dani answered

"Jordyn you look beautiful" my dad smiled, it wasn't genuine, and it didn't even reach his eyes.

"So darling, I have a list of potentials for you, they're going to be asking you to dance, do not reject them"

"I'll try my best" I feigned innocence

"And do not embarrass us" they said in unison. It was a regular phrase they said to me and my brother and Danielle, when we were younger and it carried on to now.

"Don't embarrass us" I mocked walking away.

Within 5 minutes people were already making conversation, how they were proud I was finally opening up my heart, they spoke about the incident and they even thought I was a lesbian with Danielle

"Yes we are lovers," I told an elderly man, taking Dani's hand into mine. "I just don't know if my parents will be accepting of us, but we're already engaged." The man looked totally stunned and walked off. Dani and I started in a fit of giggles.

We started to walk over to get another glass of champagne, when someone stopped me in particular "H-hi, um can I have this dance?" he asked

"Sure" I said, he seemed timid, a little bit younger than me, for God sake he still had a baby face.

"So tell me about yourself?" I said unsure, he was silent and beginning to sweat "I-uh my name? I am Jeremy"

"Hi Jeremy you seem nervous" which to started to shake up  my nerves.

"I, well your mom sent me here to make an impression" he whispered

"They what!" I said confused

"I probably shouldn't have said that" 

"Don't apologize to Jeremy, what else did they say?"

"Well, he's business friends with my dad, and they said we would perfect for each other" he answered

"You don't want to do this don't you?" I asked, he shook his head no.

I left him searching for the devil herself; there she was talking to a group of old ladies.

"And this is my lovely daughter Jordyn, so if you have any lovely bachelors just send them her way" my mother smiled along with the old ladies and their fake comments.

"Can I speak to you?" I asked

"Sure" She said bringing somewhere private

"Um, how do I say this, I feel like I'm being pimped out, and by my own mother, your choosing this dumb empire over my own genuine happiness"

"Hun, in life you will learn that happiness is not genuine, you have to fake it till you make it"

"I'll find a potential husband" I said too quick for my own liking

"Find someone you're interested in by tonight and I'll end it all" she answered smugly folding her arms

"Tonight! How will I even?" She was delirious to think that a husband would appear out of thin air for me, and I would just accept it. Love wasn't as easy peasy for me, like everyone claimed it to be for them.

"Figure out," She snapped "I would believe that I at least gave you some brains now, let's go make that announcement"

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