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Hey guys this is my first official story being posted hope you enjoy. 

But he who dares not grasp the thorn~ Anne Bronte

I pushed through the crowd shocked, looking at the scene unfolding before them. I couldn't believe it, emotions rippling through me that I couldn't even understand.

'Don't do it, please don't do it' I chanted, my body making sturdy movements but my limbs captured. I looked around and the police held me, pulling me away. "let me go, that's my brother' I swear I was screaming my lungs out but it was barely above a whisper.

And then it happened. The fall.

I jumped from my bed, cold sweat, struggling to catch my breath. Shakily grabbed the bottle of water on my nightstand, and chugged it down.

It's been two years, but here I am reliving this nightmare every day.

I started getting ready for work. I earned my own way through the business industry as one of the biggest real estate companies in America 'Arlington Real Estate' after my late brother. I prided in myself in my work and accomplishments battling narcissistic males and other issues.

Danielle walked into my office " Okay so Jordyn you're meeting your mother at La Caille for brunch, and a client requested you personally to be his agent" she said while placing files and my ritual coffee on my desk. Danielle was my diaper days bestie, she knew every single thing about me. I didn't know how I would have made it in life without her. She helped me build Arlington into what it is today.

"Requested me personally?" I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. Not that I had an issue working hands on with clients, but I had too much to clear and push back on my schedule. Hence why I hired realtors for such reasons.

"Yes" she said, flipping through emails on her iPad. "He had his assistant call in this morning for a meeting today giving an ultimatum, it's either you personally or he walks over to Knits Co"

"Well the asshole can walk, do I even had the time for a meeting today"

She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose "Well, if I reschedule The Hemps for tomorrow we can fit him in at 2:30"

"Do it" I sighed "Now let me go meet the devil herself"

"Good luck" She chuckled

I pulled up to La Caille, the doorman took my coat, and sat me at the table where my mother sat sipping at a glass of red.

"Darling" she half smiled "That dress is so out of season"

"Well nice to meet you too mom" I grimaced while ordering a latté

"I'm doing marvelous thanks for asking, I squeezed you in before my spa afternoon, get rid of my wrinkle lines."

My mother is a case by herself. We haven't had the best relationship since she was hardly ever there in my life, she's judgmental and loves to play the victim.

"Ah, getting rid of my stress already" sipping on my latté, "How's life been treating you"

"Well I have your cousin Lillian, she's such a gem working in my empire, I might even consider leaving it to her unless you step up your shit"

"Here we go again; you can gladly give it to her"

She began raving about how amazing Lillian was and how she had a fiancé and was making her parents proud. She wished Lillian was her daughter. I knew it from when I was younger. Lilian was a redhead fire bomb; we were always in competition 'The fire bomb' and 'the blonde bombshell'. I never did anything right in my parents' eyes, not even the accomplishment of my business could change that, but she was the amazing child they should have had instead, she kissed their asses so much, I could never see myself doing such.

"Jordyn, you know what your father and I wanted for our children, to raise our empires, but sadly enough you had to kill our dreams."

I had enough of this topic. I knew where this was heading and I didn't want to go though it again. It was repetitive cycle that I was quite exhausted of going through constantly. I thought acting creating my own business would have given them the biggest hint in the world.  

"And I know what I wanted for myself, I had my own dreams, I'm neither you nor dad"

"Yes we can tell' she upturned her face with disgust.

I ordered a glass of wine to mellow down the bubbling anger that normally surfaced when I was around my family.

"So how's the love life?" she broke the silence

"It is how how it should be, non-existent is" if I told my mother of the side flings I've had previously she would throw a fit

"Lillian is about to get married you should have your act together" she pointed out, "People are asking questions, like are you a lesbian?"

"And even if I was it would be none of there business anyways" I laughed

She looked irritated with my answer, and scolded me about public appearances, and how I should hold the Flores name to the highest standard. I buzzed out when she started talking about potential bachelors that she wanted for me.

Brunch ended on a sour note as per usual, I rushed back to work since I had the impromptu meeting in the next half an hour.

Thanks for reading the first chapter, I appreciate comments and feedbacks. 

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