I eat on that counter!

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My mind felt groggy as I woke up from my sleep, I tried to move, but my body was trapped. In an instant I opened my eyes, there he laid below me, our feet entangled together and his hands wrapped around me. I smiled at how adorable he looked in his sleep, he always had a cold playboy demeanor in public, but behind doors he was a sweetheart.

I pulled out my hands from under him, my hands trailing on the tattoos on his chest. I bit my lip remembering our beach picnic moment, and the time at the house. Surprise to believe I was already turned on. Danielle was right it was time to get laid, but Alexander wouldn't feel like just a fling. I internally slapped myself for having that thought in my mind. I couldn't dare to catch feelings again, I didn't want to get hurt again. He was only doing this so when the time came he could return a favor, this thing, whatever it is, isn't real. I felt stupid for what happened early, what happened to cold Jordyn who would dare let anyone in, who only had flings, who never made herself weak? I broke down in front him earlier, I made myself seem vulnerable, and maybe he would use that against me.

I untangled myself from his web and walked to the kitchen and started gulping down a bottle of water, trying to take mind of the past events.
I felt a presence behind me, his presence.

"Are you okay? He asked planting a kiss in my neck

I didn't know what to say back to him, he turned me around to face me, and stared in my eyes, I sat on the counter and picked back up the bottle of water, Alexander encased himself between my legs and planted more kisses on my torso.

"What are you doing?" I breathed, watching him do such was such a turn on.

He didn't answer me, instead he travelled further down south, instantly ripping off my underwear. I let out a gasp, as he started trailing kisses up my thigh to where I wanted him. He didn't hesitate planting a kiss on my clit and running his tongue between my lips. I could help it to let out a moan and arched my back. I held the edge of the counter, and he gripped my thighs to hold me in place. He slipped in two fingers

"Fuck, Alex" I moaned, gripping his hair, he replaced his tongue with his thumbed and rubbed me into ecstasy. He pulled him up and I pushed him in for a kiss, moaning into the kiss. I used to fake moans during head, but Alexander felt like an expert doing this. I started to tremble in his arms.

"Cum for me princess" his eyes darkened and went back down to sucking on my clit. I let out a shrill scream, my legs shaking uncontrollably, I tried closing my legs but he held it in place, and continued licking until he brought me into my second wave. By that time I was gasping for air, laid back on the counter dazed out with a smile on my face. He stopped and kissed me so I could taste myself.

"So again I ask" he said pulling away "Are you okay?"

"I'm great" I grinned

He picked me up carrying me to the bedroom and laying me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. We started backing making out, I personally couldn't get enough of his lips, they were so soft, so plump, so addicting. Before we could even go further his phone rang out.

"Sorry I have to take this'' he said walking out the room. I could hardly hear his whisper but he didn't sound too happy. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through social media.

He came back inside running a hand through his hair "I have to leave" he sighed placing a kiss on my forehead, and started getting dressed.

"Yea, don't worry about it" he kissed my lips and left.

I sighed putting on some random series and reminisced on what just happened in the kitchen and it sent tingles in my body. But I shook my head denying walking to the bathroom to take a bath, and eventually fell asleep.

I brushed my jeans to enter the restaurant, I was supposed to see Dani for lunch today, well right now. I saw her waving over to me in a corner booth. A waiter instantly came to our aid and we ordered a round of random cocktails.

"So how've you been" she smiled

"I need to go on a date asap" I sighed

"You've been on dates for the past couple weeks"

"They've been with him, I need somebody else" I groaned

"What are you even talking about?" she asked, confused.

The truth is I wasn't able to take my mind off of Alexander since he left on Sunday, it was now Tuesday and he was still buzzing through my head. I hadn't even fully thought of my brother or gotten in my depressed mood.

I explained the Sunday events from the cemetery to the counter, and she was shocked

"Hey I eat on that counter" she shrieked "Could you take it to the balcony or something?"

"Aye, calm it" I shushed her "It shouldn't even happen"

In reality, the deal with Alexander's house was done so we were free to do what we wanted.

"You know, you should invite him to Ibiza"

"No, never, not going to happen"

"You should, it could be a great stress reliever for you" she wiggled her eyebrows at me

"You just want to invite Max, and have sex the entire trip" I rolled my eyes

"Potato, potato"

Dani thoroughly convinced me to go invite him on the trip, and brought up the idea that it would silence my mom and Lillian that our relationship was real. Sadly my two minds changed into one mind and after our little lunch date I headed out to Alexander's office building.

It was the usual 8th floor I remembered perfectly, even though I've only been there once. I passed the secretary sending a small wave to her.

"Hi Ms. Flores" she smiled "Wait!" she called out to me to grab my attention, but I was focused on the task ahead, because if I stopped at any given time, I would have lost all will to ask Alexander and bailed out.

Pushing the door open my eyes slightly widened with shock, there sat Alexander with some brunette on top of him.

"Jordyn" he breathed looking at me and pushing the girl off.

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