Making Memories

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I smiled as the sunlight heated against my face, I looked at Alex asleep in my arms. I smiled and my lips found their way between my teeth as I thought of last night's activities. He stirred around and his green eyes glazed at mines.

"Morning princess" he said softly grazing his lips across my rib.

"How are you" I smiled running my hand through my tangled hair

"Great, amazing, wonderful" he climbed on top of me "Excited"

I let out a laugh, pushing him off and climbing on top of him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and laid on his chest "I wish we could stay in today" tracing his inked abdomen.

"We could, but Dani" he chuckled "We might really enjoy the boat party though"

"Yeah" I smiled. I liked this moment a lot, I haven't been close to someone like this in years, my heart ached feeling an emotion I forced myself not to feel for anyone else again. Both of us were opening ourselves to each other, and I just prayed things would remain like this.

I sighed, getting up to go get ready.

"Can I join" he jumped showing off a boyish grin

"If we go together, we won't be getting out"

I got dressed in a white bikini, with a see through beach dress. I left my hair out wild with curls, applied a bit of lip gloss and I was ready. A couple pictures later we arrived on the boat which i may say was amazing, lit and everything. We had a drinking competition with some other girls which we won, because of our impeccable alcohol tolerance.

I lost Alex somewhere along the way, but I was chatting it up with some drunk guy who may I say was getting on my nerves with his conversation about how girls shouldn't have a choice in certain things. if he was sober I would have definitely punched him in the face. I scanned the room and finally found Alex leaning on the railing while some girls flocked him. I smirk crept on my face as I made my way towards him. Funnily his eyes lit up when he saw me, I gripped his shirt and pulled his lips to mine, I softly pulled his lips with my teeth and moved away.

"Damn, if I knew he would react like that to strangers I would have done that long time" one of the girls said, all of them were agreeing in awe to what I had just done

"She's mine" Alex dismissed wrapping his hands around my waist

"Lucky" they muttered while walking away.

I giggled a bit, turning to him "Yours?" I raised an eyebrow

"You know green looks good on you" he pinched my cheek

"Jealous? I came here only to save your ass" I playfully rolled my eyes. I wouldn't particularly say I was jealous about him around girls. It was complicated in my head and I did not know what exactly to do.

"Mhmm, if you say so"

We went to a bar to order a round of drinks and started dancing. About 10 at night I began to get tired wanted to leave, trust and believe I was surprised people were still fully energized. We got back to the resort around 11 and I went straight to bed.

Our last day in Ibiza rolled around the corner and then it would be back to work the tomorrow, I woke up in Alex's arms who was letting out a light snore, I softly clamped his nose, until he woke up breathing through his mouth.

"Good morning" I grinned

He let out a groan and rubbed his eyes "What the hell Jordyn"

"I was bored, time to get up" I grinned patting his chest "Today's our last day, I want to make it picture perfect"

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