A tale of the past

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"What are you doing here?" I asked

But he ignored me completely pushing past me and landing on the couch.

I studied his movements carefully, then he looked up at me, his eyes looking a bit red and droopy

"Are you drunk or high?" I asked again

"Now tell me princess do I look drunk or high to you?"

"Um let me see," I sarcastically placed my finger on my lip in thought "yes you do"

"I had one drink I'm fine" his eyes knitted together in thought "I'm not fine" he sighed.

I was generally concerned, there wasn't a day that had gone by that I haven't thought of Alex. I was shocked, I sincerely cared about him.

"What's going on?" I asked sitting across from him"

"I..." He choked a bit "I was just as surprised as you when my ex showed up, the topic of past relationships never came across, I was too focused on us, and I'm sorry for what happened that afternoon, and those names she called you, you also need an explanation"

Us? He said to us? As in we, two together, us?

Even though I had gotten feelings for him I would never tell him, due to my stubbornness and fear.

"I'm listening" I said curtly

"We were together officially for 2 years, we had an on and off again relationship before we decided to take things serious after college. Everything was going smoothly when we hit a bump, we were arguing a lot, she was staying out a lot and then she suddenly popped the news that she was pregnant" his face turned void of emotions as he stared into the distance recalling the memories.

"I was shocked at first but I loved kids and to have my own would be a blessing, She made the pregnancy look perfect, made me give her funds for stuff and by the fourth month she had a miscarriage. Well a fake miscarriage, the pregnancy was a sham, I only found out at the end"

"She got pregnant for real this time, made me put money into every single thing, my mother wanted a DNA test, she never trusted Donna. Came to terms that the baby was not mine. She was sleeping around and wanted to drain the money out of my start up business. Her friend told me her entire plan at the end, she left the state before the DNA test even came out and totally ghosted me. I haven't heard from her since, well until now. And it seems she is completely delusional."

"That's fucked up" I said absorbing the story

"Yea" he shook his head

I walked over to where he sat, sliding my hands into his.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that" I stared at our hands interlocking.

"It changed my every perspective on love" he sighed "That why I didn't really take relationships serious from then on, I couldn't trust anyone"

I looked down at our hands, letting out a mental sigh, he couldn't have feelings for me, much less to go further, even though I was scared to go further. Yes I was afraid, there were so many things to be afraid of when it came to Alex. Like getting hurt and losing him, I didn't want to get attached at all.

He rubbed his thumb against my hand, gaining back my attention. He was staring down at me, those green eyes of his held some deep emotion.

"Would you like to come to dinner at my mom's house tomorrow?" He asked.

"You uh want me to come?" I said shocked

"Yes, she wants to meet you"

"How does she know me?"

"It's a yes or no princess" he grinned

"Yes" I smiled back

"Well I'm heading out" he said, opening his hands for a hug. I jumped into his arms and he enclosed me in it. It was needed , truly needed, I missed his lips, our conversations, everything. But this would suffice. He kissed my forehead and I pulled back smiling.

He left my apartment and I couldn't help but feel a tad bit content that we were better than how we were before. He was opening up to me. 

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