First day back

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AN/ All pictures used in this story are from Boun and Prem's official ig page: @bb0un @prem_space
Hope you like the story. I'm happy to read any comments or suggestions you leave also feel free to message me whenever you want😊💕

Win' POV

I'm sitting in front of the main building, waiting. I'm here to surprise my friends as they don't yet know I'm back.

As I sit a girl comes by and stops when she sees me. "Hello, P'Win! I didn't know you were back." She asks about my studies abroad and so on and so on and finally comes to the main point.

"Well, P'... I'm the new president of portrait drawing club since you left and would like it very much if you return to your old club. You could teach us so much..."

I assure her, I plan on doing that. Drawing people on the street has always been extremely fun for me therefore I plan on doing it for as long as possible.

The girl finally leaves and the building's door open. My friends are one of the very first people outside and very much in shock but happy to see me.

Team's POV

School's over for today and I'm on my way to afternoon activities. I have to admit the last couple of weeks have really been boring. I haven't drawn anyone for entire week and even befote that I only draw a homeless guy and a kid. I just finally want to do something fun.

I step in our room to put away my bag and collect my sketchbook, pencils etc. before heading out with the others. As I turn towards the president to greet her I see she's accompanied by P'Win.

I look and waii at him after I do to the president and walk up to my locker. I'm slightly surprised because I didn't know he's back. I mean, I don't really know him. I only know his work's hanging on the walls of the second floor at our main building and that he left for USA. That's pretty much it.

I definitely didn't know he was coming back. Neither did I know he's a member if this club.

Win's POV

"Hi! You're new here. First year?" He looks at me confused. "Oh shit, sorry. I'm Win. A senior at Faculty of Arts. You are?"

He answers still confused: "I'm Team. A junior at the same faculty." I nod and ask to which street he's headed. "Wherever others go, I go..."

"Oh well, then, you're with me. Let's go."

Team's POV

I follow him confused. I literally have no idea where he's taking me. At one point we're walking through a dark underpass and I realize we're alone, his muscles as twice the size of mine and he could easily do to me anything he wanted since noone was around.

But he didn't do anything. Instead he leada us to a crowded market. He finds us place under a tree and to my surprise only few minutes pass before we have work to do.

That afternoon I draw 3 people. 3 people in couple of hours. We also got quite a lot of money (we give the portraits to people who usually pay us something but aren't obligated to do so).

"You content with today? Wanny grab something to eat with me?" I just nod.

I don't understand what he's doing and why he's trying to be friends with me. There are so many other people in the club. Much smarter and much more talented than me. Much more in his league.

"What's on your mind? Are you always this quiet?" I shake my head and answer: "It's just that I don't really know you. Besides you being a legend that is.

And I don't really understand why you're interested in me. I'm pretty sure you have other more interesting friends..."

He smiles. "You really are something. Sure, I have friends. But they're mostly boring. Talk too much. But please don't take this the wrong way. I do want you to talk more that you do now."

We both laugh lightly and continue chatting while we eat. He pays for both our meals when we're done and after a stop at the school (to get our backpacks) he sends me home.

Win's POV

I stand in front of his front door as he unlocks it. His house is kind of big and his frontyard is just amazing, full of flowers and different plants.

"So... This is me. Thanks for walking me home." He smiles. He's kind of cute when he does that.

"You're welcome. Hey kid, before you go. Can you give me your phone?" He hands it to me lost. I type in my number and call myself to save his. I return it to him.

"Here you go. Thanks. See you tomorrow?" "See you. Good night." "Night. Sweet dreams." His eyes widen as I say that and he basically runs in his house.

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