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Team's POV

The next morning I wake up and when I check my phone where I find his messages:

'Morning. How did you sleep? Sorry if I bother you, nong'

I don't know what to answer so I just say I slept fine and ask about him. "Why did he even text me like half a day after we met?"

Win's POV

I'm in class when my phone beeps. He woke up and actually replied. That's nice. I thought he'd just be shocked and say nothing. Which has now kind of happened to me.

I don't know what to say sinve I didn't think I'd get a reply. I just answer I'm fine. "That's awkward..." I think to myself and pay attention to the teacher.

Team's POV

He's fine. Okay. So now what? Do I have to reply? If so, what do I say? After all, he started the conversation and now said nothing!

I decide to leave it. I'll see him in the afternoon probably. I can ask him what's his game then.

Win's POV

It's lunchtime. Dean asks me to go eat with them but I have other plans. I call nong Team to tease him a bit.

T: "Hello?"
W: "Hi kid! Are you free?"
T: "I guess... Why?"
W: "Great! Go eat with me."
T: "Say what now?!"
W: "I'll take it as a yes then. Catch you at the main entry?"
T: "Wait -"
W: "See ya!"

Team's POV

What just happened? Why is this guy bothering me? Doesn't he have any friends? Should I try to trick him and get away? I mean, I didn't agree to anything. Or will he give me hell later when ne sees me...?

"O! Hey kid!" Shit. I turn around and see him in front of me. I have no escape now.

"I didn't expect to see you in this part of the building! What do you want to eat?"

I sigh. He's annoying but I hope at least he pays for my food. If I have to stand him, at least I can get something out of it.

"Doesn't matter. As long as you're paying?" He looks at me and raises his eyebrow. "Sure kiddo. Let's go!" "I'm no kid!!!" "Sure, my bad kid."

I sigh again and kick his ass while he tries to run from me. We end up catfighting and laughing.

Win's POV

We're sitting in a restaurant, waiting for our food. He's constantly on his phone and avoiding any conversation. If I ask anything I only get short answers so I can't really talk anymore. So instead, I'm observing.

I'm looking at his face. He's actually quite cute. And his eyes are really really beautiful. He's slightly smiling which makes him even cuter.

"Here you go." "Thank you." "Thank you." Our food is here. He puts away his phone and digs in the noodles. I find myself staring as he eats with super-speed. "Slow down kid," I manage to say when I stop being surprised.

"It's good..." he tries to justify his doing but fails. I laugh at him and start eating.

Team's POV

He actually paid for me. Nice. We should do this more often.

We head to the club room to get our art supplies and go out on the market, same as yesterday. And same as yesterday we're busy the entire afternoon.

About an hour before we leave I see a kid selling flowers and since I'm not drawing anyone I draw her. I'm almost done when she notices I'm drawing her and gets scared.

I slowly walk up to her and greet her nicely. She says nothing. She still looks scared. "Don't be scared, please. I'm not going to do anything to you. Why are you still here? It's late, you should go home. It's dangerous to be outside when it gets dark..."

"I know... I still have flowers. Can't go home..." She looks as if she's about to cry. I tell her to wait. I finish the drawing and give her some money for the flowers.

She wants to give them to me but instead I tell her to gift them to P'Win. When she does, he's really surprised but still says thank you and manages to smile.

"P'Win! I'm leaving alone today. I'm going to send the little girl home. You can go back to school alone, I'll pick up my stuff tomorrow before class."

Win's POV

He smiles. They both look so cute. "Nonsense. I'm going with you two. Two kids alone on the street. What if something happens?"

"I am not a kid!" "Sure, sure. Let's go!" He frowns and packs his things then the girl shows us where she lives.

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