I like you

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Win's POV

I'm in the club room waiting for Team to come. But he doesn't show up. I stay in there till the night all for nothing.

I walk home, sad for no reason and really want to call him and ask why he hadn't come. At the same time I know I shouldn't invade his privacy like that. But I still want to.

I end up calling him drunk in the middle of the night.

Team's POV

My phone ringing wakes me up. I check the time and it's three jn the morning. I look at the phone. P'Win. What on earth is going on?

"Hello?" "Hi! I missed you today..." What on earth is he talking about. "Are you okay? You sound drunk. Are you at home?"

"I'm home. Am fine. Are you? You didn't show up today. I'm worried about you." "Well don't be."

"Don't be rude now. I asked nicely..." Wow, he definitely is extremely drunk. I sigh. "I'm fine. Had to go home from school cause my grandma came to visit. I'll be in the club room tomorrow."

I'm about to say good night and hang up but he beats me: "I see... So, do you have to sleep now or can you talk to me for a while?"

I think he's losing his mind. "P'! It's 3.15 AM! Don't you think we both should sleep?" I hear him sigh and cough.

"Probably... Wait! Or do you mean like sleep together?? Cause I totally like you and all but shouldn't we at least date first?"

Say what now? His words take me by surprise and I don't know how to react. Luckily, he does.

"Nong? You still there? Have I said something wrong? Cause if you really want to sleep with me that badly I can come now..."

I laugh loudly before I realise my family's asleep and quiet myself. "You do realise what you just said sounds extremely cocky and - not gonna lie - a bit desperate?"

He laughs. "Probably. Anyways... I've kept you up long enough. Sweet dreams." "Back at you." We hang up.

Win's POV

I wake up with a massive hangover. My head hurts as hell and I don't remember when I went to bed (I am extremely tired).

I text my classmate that I'm sick and go back to bed. I can't function like that.

I wake up in the evening when I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it. "Team!? What are you doing here?"

I invite him in as he explains that the club president told him in which dorm and in which room I am.

"That explains how you got here. But WHY are you here?" I ask slightly irritated that he unvaded in my personal space. Well, to be honest, I mostly am just annoyed my room is a mess right now and not tidy as susual.

"I came to check on you. You called me at 3 in the morning and you sounded pretty lost. Then you didn't show up at the club so..."

"Well that's nice of you but I'm okay. You can leave now."

Team's POV

It's clear he slept through the entire day. I also don't think he's eaten anything.

"I'll go. But first, I brought you congee, cause I didn't know you're okay. So please eat."

He sighs and does as I say. I sit on his bed and watch him eat. At first he makes it seem as if he's not so hungry but soon he starts eating super fast so I have to tell him to slow down.

He cleans his dishes and then starts tidying his room, probably just to seem busy.

I can't quite forget our phone call yet and we haven't really talked yet so I stay and fold his clothes.

"What are you doing?" He looks pretend-angry/relieved he doesn't have to clean by himself. "Helping you."

"I kind of see that, but why?" I look down and I think I blush. "Well I can't forget our conversation from the morning... And I don't know how to talk to you about it..."

Win's POV

He's blushing. I don't remember what we talked about so I can't be the one to start the conversation. "Okay?"

He looks at me slightly irritated. "You don't remember, do you?" I shake my head. He grabs his backpack. "Well then there's no point in me staying and telling you, I like you too!" He heads for the door.

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