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Win's POV

Monday afternoon. I spend all the classes checking the time hoping they end.

I run to the club room only to find it locked. I sit on the bench in front of it and wait. After ten minutes I notice a note saying: This club has been transfered to room no. 203.

Shit! I run there now and find almost everybody there. "What's going on?" I ask the president and she just says it's not important. I don't believe her but I figure she doesn't want to talk in front of the juniors.

She gives out the keys for others to go bring here our stuff while I stay to talk.

"So, what is it?" She sighs and starts explaining: "Well the school kinda cut our budget a bit and we got sent to the smaller room since they don't think about leaving the club opened..."

I feel bad for her. I also feel bad for the club but not too much since I can still do this even with no club. I've done it since I was little so...

Team's POV

I walk up to the room confused, seeing everyone's walking out with full hands of equipement. One guy explains me what's going on and I go help.

I carry stuff to the new room when I see P'Win hugging the crying president. I almost drop everything before I get myself together amd wait for him to notice me.

He does the second I step into the room. "Hey kid!" He waves at me but continues to hug her.

I collect my utensils and leave. "Wait!" he yells after me but I pretend not to hear him and walk. He catches me right outside the building.

Win's POV

"Why didn't you wait for me? I know what bothered you so please, let me explain."

He just stops and looks me straight in the eyes saying nothing. So I talk: "She was crying because of the club problems. We're friends so I tried to calm her down that's all."

He's silent. All of a sudden he starts laughing. "I know. I just wanted to see if you's come after me." I look at him angrily and then gently slap the back of his head. "Idiot!"

We run towards the matkerplace to draw and we're pretend-fighting all the way there.

Team's POV

He doesn't really seem upset that I played him. He's his usual chatty self. With lots of bullying of course.

It starts to rain so we leave. It's about 6 PM. We put our stuff in the new club room and step outside the building to walk home ehen he asks:

"Can I come stay over at your place?" "What? Why? I have school tomorrow." "Well, I don't have any morning classes so..."

He comes closer an places his hand on my shoulder, the other on his hip.  He's smiling. "I don't want to be mean, but I really do have class. If you go with me today, my parents will be pissed. I won't be able to see you anymore..."

He looks mad now. "I don't understand. We wouldn't do anything. I just want to hold you while I sleep..." Now he seems sad.

I cup his face with my hands. "I'd like to do that too. But we can't. Please, don't be mad at me. We have to go home now."

"Sure. Bye!" He turns around and walks away aggresively. "Win!" I call after him but he doesn't turn. He left.

Win's POV

It's pretty late now. By now Team has called me 24 times and left 13 texts. I didn't open any and surely I didn't pick up. Why? I'm messing with him. You mess with me, you get it back.

He hasn't texted for twenty minutes. I decide it's enough. I text him: 'Sweet dreams kid🤗😇' After that I go to sleep.

When I wake up I see the text: 'Seriously? Reply after 4 hours? But sure, sweet dreams to you too.'

He still said sweet dreams so he couldn't have beed too mad.

Team's POV

My class ends at 11 AM and I know Win's class start at 5 PM today so I head over to his room to talk about yesterday.

I knock but he doesn't open. I knock again. Nothing again. As I'm about to knock for the third time the door finally opens. "Sorry I was in the bathroom -"

He looks up and sees me. "Oh, hi kid, come in." I do and he closes the door behind us.

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