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Win's POV

It's saturday evening and I'm alone in my room. The week passed by so quickly. I can't believe Team was here for a half a week. We basically did nothing all week. Nothing.

And now I already miss him. But I don't get to see him till monday afternoon. Sad.

I lay on my bed and think about calling him. I already called him in the morning so I hesitate. Instead I check my social media and decide to just text him 'sweet dreams' before I'll go to bed.

Before I can do that I get his text:
'I miss you...💔'
My heart skips a beat. I smile and I reply:    'I miss you more💓'

After that my heart is filled with excitement and I really don't think I'll be able so sleep tonight.

Team's POV

Sunday morning. Today after lunch me and my parents arw going to visit my grandma. Therefore I have to walk my dog before lunch.

Before I even have breakfast I text Win to meen me in the park at 10 AM. I want to see him. I miss him. I've only seen him yesterday morning but it seems like it's been forever.

I finished my breakfast and checked my phone. No reply. I take my dog and start walking towards the park. I call him. He doesn't answer. I call him again. Nothing. I give up and sadly continue my walk.

Win's POV

I wake up. It's 9.50 AM. First I go to the bathroom and get clean (shower, brush my teeth...) and return to check my phone.

I've got two text from Team telling me to come to the park just outside my dorm at 10 AM. I also have few calls and voicemails from him.

Wait! At 10!?!? It's 9.59 now!

I run down the stairs skipping two at a time. I don't have time to text or call him I just hope he's still coming here and didn't change his walk route.

Breathing like an old horse I stand by the fountain in the middle of the park. I don't see my boy anywhere do I decide to call him finally.

Team's POV

I'm at the park. I'm walking around it, taking the outer paths as my phone rings.

"Where are you?" It's P'Win. "I'm at your park. Why?" I hear him breathing heavily. "That's great. But where exactly?" I'm confused as if why he wants to know that.

"Dunno. Somewhere by the egdes. Why?" "I'm here, in the middle of the park, by the fountain. Come here?"

He's here? He actually got up and came to meet me. "Sure..." I reply and hang up. I don't want to seem desperate. Anyway I basically run to him.

Win's POV

I'm walking around the fountain like a crazyman, to see from which side he'll come. I finally see him running towards me from across the fountain. The moment he notices me he starts walking slower.

I go to him and hug him. I don't care if people look at us weirdly. I kiss his cheek and tighten my hug. He doesn't resist. I feel he needed this hug just as much as I did.

After letting him go I pet his dog which is excitedly running around and between our legs.

Team's POV

He looks cute playing with the dog. Almost like a little child. I smile and he soon enough accuses me of laughing at him.

"I'm not. You two are just super cute." I'm still smiling, looking like a proud parent. "Well you sure are too," he says and holds my hand before we continue my walk.

We sit down under some trees in the non-crowded area and play with my dog. I pet him, hold him and so on.

At one point I see him taking out his phone and taking a picture of me. I frown. "Why did you do that? I'm sure I look super ugly..." He takes another picture before replying. "You look super cute."

He's smiling and he looks hella handsome. Realising that I have to go home now makes me sad, because I don't want to leave him.

Win's POV

He looks sad. "What's wrong kiddo?" I ask and he doesn't even comolain for me calling him a kid.

"It's just that I have to go hime now. But I don't want to..." I smile. He looks cute frowning. "It's okay. We'll see each other tomorrow." I try to smile even though I'm just as sad as he is.

We get up and hug goodbye. I look around, happy to notice there are no other people in sight. I hold his head and kiss him.

He seems surprise but doesn't pull away. He even puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I don't want to let go of him but I'm forced to when his phone rings.

"I'm on my way home. - Sure. - Bye." I guess it was his mom. "I have to go. Love you." "Love you too." He gives me a quick peck on the lips, pucks up his dog and starts running away.

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