Love you

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Team's POV

He left for class and is supposed to return at 8 PM. He left me his spare key cause he allowed me to take a shower and so before going home.

Cause for the past few hours we had only been sleeping, naked and on the dirty bed. He took a shower just before he left.

Now I took a shower and after that I also cleaned his bed and washed the sheets. They're drying now. I look around and the room seems clean now.

I go out and bring back some food for when he returns. I leave him a note and disappear few minutes before 8.

Win's POV

I'm dead tired. The class was kind of boring and I also didn't sleep enough before it, taking into consideration, what I did before.

I walk to my room and unlock the door. I walk straight into the bathroom and take a shower. After that I go open the fridge to find a snack - I'm too lazy to go buy food.

On the second shelf there's a takeout box with a post-it on it. I take both out and read it:
'I hope you haven't eaten yet. Bon appetit😊❤'

He actually draw a smiley face and a heart for me. So sweet of him. I open the box and start eating what he bought me.

Team's POV

I haven't seen Win for the rest of the week cause we had exams. Instead we just texted.

It's friday morning now and today's text are basically very similair to the ones we had past few days:

W: Morning baby, how are you😘
T: Mornin' I'm tired... You?
W: I'm fine. I miss you though... 😔
T: I miss you too💔...
But don't worry, we'll see each other soon😉
W: What do you mean by soon? Does it mean I get to see you tomorrow instead of sunday?😃
T: You'll see what I mean😏
I have to go now though. Exam time...
W: Yeah, me too. Good luck💕
T: To you too 😘

Win's POV

My exams are over. I'm walking towards my dorm when my phone starts ringing. I sit down on the bench and answer it. It's Team.

T: Hey!
W: Hi! What's going on?
T: So... I know it's super weird and way too soon but I just got this crazy idea and I know you'll probably hate it and I don't blame you, cause it's stupid and -
W: Stop babbling. Just tell me. It'll be fine.
T: Okay. I was wondering if you maybe need a roommate...?
W: Roommate? Why?
T: Well, I talked to my mom and she'd be okay with me living in dorm, as long as I'm not living alone, so I thought maybe.... maybe I could, you know..
W: You want to move in with me?
T: Well...

My heart's beating fast. I jump up laughing. "Win?" Oh shit I haven't answeres him yet.

"When do you come?" "Seriously?" He asks sounding relieved. "Yes, I'm serious. I love you kid, of course you can stay with me."

"Happy to hear that," he says and hangs up. "What the-?" I stand up and go inside the dorm. I walk to my floor and almost get a heartattack when I step into my room.

Team's POV

"I let myself in." I say as he looks at me surprised. "What's happening?" I explain to him that after school today my mom brought me a suitcase with some clothes and other necessities so I can move here.

"I'll probably have to bring some other stuff but that can wait... Also, I know I brought everything here before asking you but I was sure you'd say yes."

He looks serious as he walks towards me. He's standing right in front of me and my heart's pounding cause he's so close.

I start: "I -" he blocks my mouth with a kiss. He places his hand on my neck and the other on my lower back and I place mine on his upper arm and lower back.

Our kiss isn't passionate or rusher but gentle, slow, loving. We break apart and press our foreheads together. "I love you kid," he says. "I love you too."

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