What if

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Team's POV

I wake up and since it's still early I decide to stay in bed.

Yesterday I was surprised when P'Win walked us both - the girl and then me- home. Not so sure I'm happy he knows where I live now...

My mother calls me for breakfast and when I want to go to school to get my bags she reminds me it's saturday and school's closed.

Great! It's the weekend! I won't have to see P'Win today. I wonder what he's up to tho. Probably he's studying. Well, not my business anyway. I'm just happy he ain't here.

Win's POV

I'm in front of my house. I'm thinking about picking Team up and taking him to have lunch with me. But I'm hesitating. I man up and walk to his house.

I ring the doorbell and think to myself whether or not he'll yell at me. He doesn't.

He opens the door and stares at me in surprise. He doesn't even greet me instead he just stares with his jaw dropped.

"Hey kid! How's your day going? Do you want to go out with me?" He still just stares. His mother comes around the corner, greets me and scolds him.

"Ai Team! Invite him inside!" Instead of his she gets my reply: "That won't be necessary m'am. I'm just here to pick him up if he's allowed to go with me..."

"Of course he is. And I'm happy to see him not spending the entirr day in his room. Go, take him and you don't have to hurry home. Take as long as you want."

She smiles at him and winks at me while he sighs. "Let's go!" I say. "Thank you, khun aunt." "You really don't have to call me aunt." She smiles again and we leave.

Team's POV

"Where would you like to go before lunch?" P'Win asks and I just glare at him. "You made me come, it's on sou what we do."

He laughs at me. "You look cute when you frown." I kick in his direction and we end up chasing each other down the street.

Tired, we stop to sit on a bench in the park. He fixes his hair first thing we sit down and when I look at him I realize he's actually very handsome.

He catches me staring so I look away. In the corner of my eye I see him smirking but he doesn't say anything.

"Lunch?" I ask. He nods. We go.

Win's POV

We eat in silence again. From time to time I notice he's looking at me which kind of surprises me slightly.

I'm even more surprised when after lunch he asks: "So, where are we going now?" "Honestly I only planned on taking you to eat so now I don't know where to go..."

He laughs at me. "So think of something now." I think. Where would I want to take him? "Movies?" I ask. "You're basic. But sure."

I buy the tickets he buys the snacks. We find ourselves sits on the end of the row so it will be easier to get out when the movie's over.

We watch a Van Gogh documentary because we both like the painter. Also the movie is actually really good. We're both quite sad when it's over even though it lasted more than two hours.

"Want to go home yet?" I ask. He shakes his head. "You hungry?" Again not. "So what do you want to do?" He smiles. "Come with me." Just like that I follow him.

Team's POV

I take him on a long walk and he doesn't complain one bit. It finally git dark so now I can take him to the riverside.

We sit on the steps that go towards water. I check the time. 10 more minutes.

Then finally a boat drives past us. It's entirely lit in purple lights. After that one come other five: with blue lights, one with green, another yellow, one orange and last one with red.

Behind those there are several smaller boats each of which is driven by a parent. Behind him/her are one or more children on each boat with different flower petals, throwing them into the water.

Last is a boat lit with bright white lights and a music band on board, playing music, singing.

I look at P' and I see his eyes are glowing. He seems really happy. "Ylu like it?" I ask and he just nods. We end up sitting there even when the boats and all the people who were watching are gone.

I don't know what he's thinking about and I don't ask. Why did I even bring him here tho? I always brought my girlfriend to watch this with me, never friends. Wait, what if I like him more than a friend? Wait, we aren't even friends. What?

The entire water show is made up by me. It was inspired by some traditions, by a song I was listening to and by something I saw when I was little.
I hope it doesn't bother anyone.

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