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“Is it okay to say that perhaps writing a book is an even more beautiful process than reading one. I mean I’ve never been one to willingly buy a cover with a couple hundred pages in between but when your mind tells you that you’re ready, you just have to go for it. Writing this was never in my big plans for the future. I’m a poet. An artist. A musician in some part. A photographer and a videographer. A creative force if you want. But Author? Me? Never in million years. That’s why I hold the characters in this book so near to me. They represent the very reason I went in this direction in the first place. Along with some real life events. They also have a big influence on my mental space. I’ll never stop wondering where the idea ever came from. I guess everyone has a story to tell at some point. We’ve just got different methods.”

“There’s a huge part of me that just doesn’t feel the way you would think it should. I’m 17 but I don’t feel 17. I understand things in a way some people just never will. Is this the result of open mindedness towards these very thoughts or just some kind of natural sense, or super power if you want. That, in part, is the reason I wrote this. I’d like to look back one day and remember what it was like to be a teenager but never feel like one.”

“You know, every once in a while I find myself writing more and more into this obsession of mine. I ask myself what’s keeping me going. I mean is 03:37 right now. My sleep schedule is about 3 time zones off and the silence of the space around me is starting to creep me out. Yet still I continue to write. All this in the name of creative expression. I truly commend my mind’s fixation on this project. Although talking about my mind and myself as two separate entities kinda seems completely insane. I don’t know if I should owe this new found state of mind to my lack of sleep and insomnia or the degree of my current circumstances limiting my contact with human beings. I’ve been questioning this perhaps a little too often around this time of the morning. I take it day by day in the end. My circle knows the struggle. We move. I should probably get to sleep. Goodnight."

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