the start of it all.

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Montgomery Keates sat on his bed, phone in hand, scrolling through endless 15- 60-second videos on the app 'TikTok'. None of the videos that he was watching was original or artistic, they lacked a certain... something. As he was scrolling, he came across a boy in clown makeup on his for your page. Monty could see he was around 19 maybe 20? He decided to stalk and explore his profile. hmmm Sebbyjon, 1.2m followers. Wow, that's a lot compared to me! , Monty thought to himself. 

Monty scrolled and scrolled through this attractive boy's page, inspired and soul drawn to his creativity. There was something about him that drew him to this stranger, he felt connected to him. After hours of stalking his social media, he finally decided to follow Sebb on Instagram as well as TikTok and switched his phone off.  He fell asleep dreaming about the boy, the boy with the clown makeup...

Sitting his tiktok tripod with his phone attached to his carpeted floor, Sebb continued to finish his new clown video. He smiled hysterically into the camera giving all his emotions to his phone. He watched his video, yes it's perfect, he captioned the video "pov: im your crazy ex after we broke up". Ahh finally done, he says to himself with contentmentSebb dismantles the tripod and throw's himself onto his bed with his phone with him. Hmmm, he looks at his notifications. *Monty Keates is now following you*. Sebb clicked onto Monty's profile, wow he looks good. ew seb why would you say that... your straight right? he quarrelled with himself.  ofc I am, it is ok to find a boy attractive and not be gay right?? whatever Sebb!  He said to himself,  bemused that he was really arguing with himself in his head. He did that a lot. After looking at the 17-year-old's content, Sebb found himself laughing at his videos, he was really funny. Finally, after an hour of stalking his page, Sebb decided to follow him back as well as sending him a message. 

 "Hey man, I'm sebb. just seen that you have followed me and you seem cool, want to be mates?"  

Sebb had been dealing with depression for a while now, he found making friends hard recently, no one understood. He had the UK squad for sure, but no matter how much they were there for him they couldn't help. Maybe Monty could?  Sebb sighed to himself. He was reaching, if his closest friends couldn't, how could this random boy? He didn't even know him. 

authors note-  just want to give a quick shoutout to the people who have inspired me to write this, you guys are so talented!!!






Your fanfics/stories are so good, and I enjoy reading them. yall made me want to make my own mebby story, so ty for that!

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