halloween pt 1

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Overall pov-

It is the morning of the Halloween party, and both Monty and Sebb were very excited for the night to come. It had been a while since they had both been to a party. It was also going to be even better than a 'normal' party as they were going to be with each other and the entire UK squad. 

I grabbed my black backpack, I was running late. Sebb was going to be here at any minute. I looked into my bathroom mirror, my hair was scruffy. I wanted to cut it off right there and then.  Getting some water onto my fingers, I used it to try and lift up my hair, it helped a little but I still looked a mess. It'll have to do.  Walking back to my bed, I finished packing frantically, essentials, my toothbrush, chargers, etc. I'm forgetting something ahh, as I turned around, there Sebb stood smiling geekily. 

"I think you're forgetting this"  he says,  passing the wallet of my dresser into my hands. 

"Sebb!"  I hugged him. 

"your mom let me in," he said while pulling away from our hug

"ahh okay, well I think I'm ready, mind passing me my jacket from my door ?", I signal to the door.

" yeah sure".  He grabbed my jacket, I held my arms out allowing him to help me into it. 

"thanks sebby". I pick up my bag from my bed, 

"let's go then".

I got to Monty's house really late. I was meant to be there for 2 it was now half 2 and our train left at 3. I was worried he would have been angry at me, Monty hates being late and he gets really stressed out. Luckily for me, he wasn't ready himself. As I got to his house. His mom was at the front doing the gardening she greeted me with a warm hug and told me to go straight up. His mom is the sweetest.  I went into his room and he looked adorable, you could tell he was stressed, he saw me as soon as he turned around. I had really missed him. He pulled me into a hug. His hugs are always the best. We finally left and made our way to the train station. His house was only a 5-minute walk away from the train station. We took our time so instead, it took us 10 minutes. As we walked into getting our tickets, I realised we only had 5 minutes before the train left. 

"Come on mont, we are going to have to run" I grabbed his hand and we made our way to the platform, pulling him onto the train we made our way onto our seats. 

"That was close", I realised I still was holding his hand, I let go. I looked at mont he looked embarrassed but I didn't know why.

  "you ok mont?". 

" yeah all good," he said turning his head to look out the window. There it was again the same sad expression on his face.

I was trying so hard to not burst out and tell him everything, I knew I had to keep it. For the sake of our friendship. I was second-guessing telling him how I felt at the party at this point. Sebb spoke, stopping my train of thought.

" you ok mont?"

I could tell him but I decide not to. "yeah all good"

The thing is I felt it again, it was even worse. My feelings keep getting stronger. We were going to be late and Sebb took my hand, I don't understand how he doesn't feel it too. When we touch,  I have the urge to just kiss him. I don't care if it sounds bad, I want him, all of him. I turn to look out the window my heart heavy. I sense him looking at me, but I just stay looking out. I don't want to look at him, because if I do I'll fall even more. It stays like that for the whole journey. He tries making conversation multiple time but I keep it short. I feel bad but it's just hard being in the same space as him knowing that I can't have him

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