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It has been nearly 2 years since Monty and Sebb have found each other on TikTok, and since then they have been inseparable and are now the closest iconic duo.  They both had other friends and stuff, but everyone could see their friendship was the strongest of all...

Monty leapt around his room, his mouth unable to control his happiness.  It was 8am, but Monty was wide awake for once. I'm in, omg. Monty was referring to the"UK squad" he had been friends with all of the members for months now but was never really officially in the squad, but he was in and they all wanted him in it! He looked down at his phone, the UK squad group chat were all going crazy. His phone notifications going wild, they were all telling him how excited they were to have him in it. Sebb especially :). It hit him.

 I'm finally going to meet sebb...  as he was in the uk squad he would be going to sitc (summer in the city) with them. Monty felt a nervous feeling in the centre of his stomach. oh god. Why am I nervous??  It's just Sebb. wait. ahh. I have to find the perfect outfit!

AHHH so Mont's finally in, we all knew he was the perfect fit the moment we saw his TikTok and spoke to him via ft. Though none of us has met him yet we already feel like we have met him and have known him for years. I'm beyond excited to meet him, at sitc which is next week, but also nervous. Wait why am I? It's going to be just the same as when we are on facetime if you think about it. Who are you kidding sebb thought to himself, you get to hug him!! sebb smiled to himself. I better plan my outfit it's got to be perfect...

later that day..

I miss Sebb, even though we messaged an hour ago, ever since I found him there hasn't been a day we haven't messaged each other, even if we've been busy we have always made time for each other. Monty opens his MacBook air, let's call sebby then. He glances over to the mirror ruffles his hair to try and make it a little nicer, ofc it doesn't work. With a sigh, Monty clicks the facetime button. 

on ft:

monty: "hey sebby"

sebb: "hey Montgomery"

Monty: (he grimaces)"I really hate it when you call me that Sebastian", he mutters with a hint of annoyance.

sebb: "oops my bad, you're just too easy to wind up", he says confidently.

Monty: "hahaha you're very funny not!"

sebb: "whatever you say montg- Monty, anyways I bet you are chuffed",  sebb says with a wink.

Monty: "yup! I am happy that I'm in and able to be with all of you. anyways thought id check on you. i missed you"

sebb: "i missed you to monticus"

Sebb and Monty looked longingly at each other through the computer screens. 

After what seemed like hours Monty broke away from Sebbs eyes

It happened again, the feelings. Monty hated when this happened it scared him. I have to go before he notices.

Monty: "um well i gtg", Monty said awkwardly.

sebb: "oh ok, bye mont"

call ended-

Woah, that was weird. Something's up with mont, he never leaves the call like that so sudden. Sebb brushed it off with a sigh and got into bed falling asleep watching stranger things.

Monty felt his heart beating in his chest faster than ever. For a while now he had been feeling things, weird things, and looking into Sebby's eyes confirmed it.  I feel something for Sebb.  Monty groaned in sadness putting his face into his hands.

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