halloween pt 2

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overall pov-

The party was about to start, snacks had been put out. Alcohol scattered around with mixers. Monty and Sebb stood on opposite sides of the room, but everyone knew they wanted to be next to each other from the little glances and longing stares. Becky who was not in the squad but a close friend of everyone was making conversation with Monty. He wasn't paying attention one bit as every 5 seconds he would go to look at Sebb or zone out thinking about him. 

"Mont, Monty?" Becky questioned, making Monty come back into the real world. 

"Yeah, sorry. What did you say, Becky?". 

 " I was saying me and Josh are hosting another Halloween party tomorrow. Please come?"

" Beck-".

"I know what you're going to say mont, it's going to be the same amount of people today, we just wanted to do something for you guys"

"ok fine as long as there isn't a mass load of people I'm in!"

"yay, it's going to be fun, oh and tell Sebb for me?" Becky says tactically. 

Like everyone else she knew about their love for each other.  

"i-" before mont could say a word Becky cuts him of again. 

"lifesaver, love u!" and without another word, she walks off.

Great, now I'm going to have to talk to Sebb, I was lowkey happy that I could talk to him but I was not going to admit that. It hit him, Becky could have gone herself, she did it on purpose. Monty looked down into his glass smiling to himself, he felt someone beside him, he looked up. "Sebb!"Monty says in shock.

sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

"Nah it's cool, don't worry about it"  

we stood there in silence for around 10 seconds, and when I tell you it was the most awkward 10 seconds of my life. 

"mont, we need to talk"

"yeah, we do, Becky told me to tell you-"

"mont I know".  

"oh then we have nothing else to talk about". I go to walk off, I feel him grab onto my arm 

"mont please, I want to talk". 

 I shrug him of 

" I can't talk to you"

"mont I know everything it all makes sense"

"then you know, why I can't talk to you". I feel the tears starting to build up. 

"please let go, I'm going to get smashed" I say while wiping my eyes. 

He lets go, and I see he cares,  he really does but he's only going to hurt me. And with that, I walk off to get drunk.

I saw him talking to Becky. I planned it with her, he was going to tell me about her party the next day, I already knew about it but it would get Monty to talk to me. I watched as she told him about the party, she winked at me to signal that she had done her part of the plan. Any moment now and he will come up to me. He didn't. He stood there smiling to himself. God, he looked good. I couldn't wait. I started to walk up to him. Time to take control. He felt my presence, he literally jumped 2 metres away. I wanted us to talk and have a conversation. But he brushed me off. He started to walk away. I couldn't let him go.

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