friendship on the rocks.

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Overall pov- (set two months after sitc event)

It had been over two months since Monty and Sebb had met for the first time at sitc, and for both Sebb and Monty it was a day they did not want to remember. Things were ok now not the same but at least they were on good terms with each other.

The day after sitc event-

I was angry at him, the whole day he was cold. Sebb puzzled over what had happened at the event while scratching the back of his head. Monty had not messaged him and he hadn't either. The truth is that he was too upset but he missed him too much to stay mad. Sebb reached for his phone. fuck it. He wanted his best friend back. *can we talk, I miss you...*. Monty replied in a second *yeah sure*. Sebb moved to where his computer stood, taking a deep breath in he clicked on Monty's facetime number. His face popped up, there he sat on the other side of the screen his eyes filled with the same sadness that Sebb had seen at the train station. 

Sebb: "Hey", I say breaking the silence. 

Monty: "what's up?" 

Sebb: "We need to sort out whatever this is mont, I hate it", I feel my voice start to break. I look away feeling the tears starting to build up. I compose myself. "What did I do Mont? tell me so that I can fix it"

 Monty: "It's not you, it's me Sebb."

Sebby: "FUCK THAT MONT, I'm not doing this, 'it's me, not you' bullshit. So tell me the problem right now!

Monty: "I know how it sounds cliche and all, but it's just something with me that I can't talk about right now. I'm sorry about yesterday I was a dick I just needed space, look Sebb can we meet up, I'll come to yours for the weekend spend some time together?"

 I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. 

Sebby: "so I didn't do anything?"

Monty: "no Sebb you could never hurt me."

After 4 hours Mont and I decided to call it a break as it was quite late, it felt good to be ok with Mont. He was my best friend, the only person that understood me completely.

I couldn't tell him why I was off with him at sitc, but I couldn't just be with him after I knew how I felt. I felt so bad for ignoring him but my feelings were too strong. Being with him made those feelings stronger, the more time I spent with him the more I fell for him. I didn't want to have those feelings, he was my best friend and I never want to lose him. I didn't bother texting him for a whole day, which is unusual for us as we text and call daily. I needed space, yeah I missed him but I needed the feelings to go away before I spoke to him. I am bisexual but more towards guys, Sebb knows this, he's always been so supportive.  He's straight-talking romantically to kt as well, even if I wanted to pursue my feelings I could never. 

While in mid-thought I felt my phone vibrate from the top of my bed. Notification from 'sebby😜'. My heartfelt heavy, I open it *can we talk, I miss you* I reply with *yeah sure*.  I knew it meant he wanted to facetime. I braced myself. 

Incoming call 


I see him, my heart longs for him, I forget how looking into his eyes makes me feel. We call for 4 hours and we manage to sort it out, I tell him what I planned out, that it's nothing to do with him and it's something I can't say. I can tell he bought it, he looked so happy I couldn't ruin it. As soon as we hung up I couldn't keep it in. 

Sobs emerging, I gasped for air. "Monty are you alright!"  I hear my mom call up to me. "yeah mom all good" I say without making it to obvious (well I thought).  My mom comes into my room with a worried look of concern." oh sweetie". She takes me in her warm embrace, it's been a while since we've hugged like this. It felt good. "want to talk about it?". I shake my head no. "ok sweetie". We sit there for a while, her letting me cry into her blouse. I can never say anything I have to put my feelings aside. 

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