Welcome to the ByTeHoUsE

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Sebb's pov:

We pulled up outside the house, it looked kinda cool. I turned to face my mom. She looked sad but at the same time equally as happy for me. "I am going to miss you mom". "me too Sebb and don't worry I'll be calling you and Mont every day, the house is going to be so quiet without you". We get out the car and I was greeted at the door by manager lucy. "hey Sebb, you're the first one here". "ah ok cool". "this must be your mom". "yeah, mom meet lucy, lucy meet mom". Soon enough they were chatting away. I smiled left them to it and went back and got the stuff from the car. I dumped all my stuff in the hallway, as rooms hadn't been picked yet. "All done Sebb?" my mom questions. "yeah mom that's the last of it". I pull her in and give her a tight hug. "ill see you soon mom, please drive safe".  "I will do Sebb," she says while planting a kiss on my cheek. My mom says goodbye to Lucy and I walk her to her car, I give her one last hug and she's gone. I walk back into the house to lucy sitting in the kitchen. She sees me and gives me a knowing look. "You'll see her soon Sebb". "yeah Ik it's just hard leaving her, anyways have you spoken to mont ?". "no he hasn't been active all day it seems, has he not texted you today?" .      "we spoke this morning, he woke up late". "ahh he's probably running late then and really busy". All of a sudden we hear a male and a female voice," jake hold it the other way its all going to fall out".  We walk out of the kitchen to see Jake and Shauni. "hey Sebb" shauni says. " hey bro," jake says confidently. "umm hey guys" this was weird how were they so confident already. I was always shy when meeting new people, not as much as Monty though.

Monty's pov:

"god damn it!" I threw my phone into my bag which was sitting on the backseat. "Monty calm down, I know you're stressed we will get there and you're going to be fine". " thanks dad I'm just nervous and my phones dead, Sebb's probably worrying, I haven't contacted him since this morning, and I have no idea what's going on.  I was also meant to be there 4 hours ago".  We had been stuck in traffic for ages and it was now 8 pm. My manager was probably freaking out. "look mont, you're stressing yourself out, sing to me buddy". "seriously dad?". "come on you used to sing for me nearly every evening, you remember?'. Monty did. He would get into his dad's emo clothes that would be way too big, grab the telly remote and then he'd get everyone to sit on the couch and he'd perform. Those were the good times. "yeah I do, I miss being young". "your still a kid to me mont". He ruffles my hair. "dad! you've ruined my hair". "haha oops". I glare at him. "I'll get you back". "sure Monty".

Sebb's pov:

I'm seriously freaking out, where is he?? It was now 8 pm, he was supposed to be here 4 hours ago. I paced around the kitchen. Kt and lily had even arrived, everyone was here except mont.  "Sebb relax he's probably on his way. We hit a load of traffic as well. He's probably got stuck in it." kt says.  "yeah I suppose your right". We had already been assigned rooms, Mont and I were sharing, so were kt and lily and then shauni and jake. "I'm going to go finish settling in". " okay Sebb ill let you know if he gets here," lucy says comforting me. "thank you" I walk out of the kitchen. As I go into my room, I feel lonely. I pull out my phone to call Monty. Again straight to voicemail. I sigh and put my AirPods in and start to unpack my clothes.

Monty's pov:

We arrive at half 9 and I was so nervous that I was going to get told off for being this late. "ready buddy?", my dad looks at me excitedly.  "let's do it". We start to take my stuff out from his car and walk up to the house entrance. The door bursts open to kt and lily "Monty!!!" they both hug me nearly knocking me over. "Woah, hey guys". "took your time didn't ya", kt jokes. "yeah we ran into traffic and my phone died" I explain. "that explains it haha, we thought you died lol" lily laughs. kt and lily say hello to my dad and help me bring in the rest of my stuff. I greet shauni and jake and immediately I feel anxious. I hate meeting new people, normally Sebb's with me when I do. He helps me a lot. Sebb!. why isn't he here? I think to myself. It's like everyone could see through me. Lucy speaks up "he's in your room, he's been worrying all day". I blush and turn around to my dad. "thankyou for bringing me up dad" . "no worries pal, make sure you keep us updated and text us every day".  We never really hug but we did and I felt like his little boy again. " I'm going to miss you mont. "me to dad". "ok I better go, oh and um say hi to Sebb for me".        "okay I will, drive safe". I wave to him and shut the door behind me. I was here. Finally! I was about to go see Sebb when lucy calls me into the kitchen. "sorry I know you probably want to go see Sebb but I need to go through everything with you first is that alright." . "yeah sure". It was a load of serious stuff that took half an hour. At last, I was done and I could go. I said goodnight to everyone and I grabbed my bag from the door and walked towards the room that was mine and sebb's.

Sebb's pov: 

I felt two hands slide onto my stomach from behind me and the scent of something familiar seep up my nose. "Monty!". I turn around to see my boyfriend grinning at me. I grab him lovingly. kissing him with everything I had in me. Pushing him back onto our bed and finally tearing away for air. "where have you been" I say while regaining breath. He sits up, kissing my hand. "we ran into traffic and my phone died, I just came half an hour ago". "I was so worried mont, I genuinely thought something had happened". "well I can assure you I'm all fine baby". We kiss again this time, we ended up tangled in each other. I move so that Monty's headrests onto my chest and we stay there fingers interlockings, legs intertwined and drifting off into deep sleep.

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