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Sebb's pov:

Me and Mont's relationship could not be any better. We were going from strength to strength. Our relationship wasn't official yet, but we might as well have been. We technically are dating but neither of us has really asked or talked about it. Besides, all of our friends think we are basically together anyways. That's when I had the best idea. I was going to ask him to be mine officially.  I'm going to do it in a special way as well, he's done so much for me. Helping me with my sexuality and guiding me. He deserves it.  We planned to meet up this weekend and I was going to stay at his, which was normal. I text his mom my idea. She always had the best ideas for stuff like this and, ever since we told her about our relationship she was so supportive, his whole family was. I wish my family was like that. My mom was also very supportive. My dad, I don't even know where he is, my grandparents not so much, they don't like it but they still love me. Anyways, I text her...

*hey, hope you are well! I was wondering if you could help me with a surprise for Mont? I'm going to be asking him finally to be my boyfriend*. 

*oooo of course darling, but wait, I thought you guys were already?*

 * yeah everyone just kind of assumed but we never really asked each other*

 *gotcha, okay can I ring you?*


Incoming call-

M- "Hi there Sebb"

S- "heya, thank you so much for helping me"

M- "I know how much he means to you, how much you mean to him, I'm very happy to help." 

S- "it means a lot"

M- "awh okay so I'm thinking I could take him out for the morning, get him ready, you know how when your not together he makes zero effort haha."

S- "that's mont for you, and yeah I could like be waiting in the house"

M- "oh you could be waiting in his bedroom, and it all be decorated nicely, maybe his favourite snacks laid out?"

S- "yes, oh this is going to be perfect."

M- "sounds perfect to me, he's one lucky boy"

S-"I will go through fining the details and I'll let you know my full plan?"

M- "Yep sounds good"

S- "okay ill speak to you tommorow?"

M-" For sure sebb, bye love "

S-" bye ..."

I sat at my desk, my pencil twirling around in my hand. I could put all his favourite things on his bed and I'd be standing in the middle with a sign. ahh, this was going to be the best. I was so nervous I couldn't wait.

Monty's pov:

My mom decided to have a son and mom morning out today, she literally woke me up at 10  to get ready. 10 am. She's crazy. I'm literally in such a mood. Anyone knows if you wake me up before 11 on the weekend you're being killed by me. I text Sebb as I know he would be up. I honestly don't know how he gets up so early. 

*good morning baby, my mom made me get up for a morning out with her, kill me xoxo* he replied straight away.

*haha sad times cant wait to see you tomorrow*

*Only one more sleep Sebby*

. *yep only one more*

 I put my phone down and moaned into my pillow I couldn't get up.  My mom walks in sighing and then taking the duvet sheet off me. "MOM WTH!?". "oops my bad. Anyways, get up we are going to go soon". I get up yawning walking towards my en-suite bathroom. "Also your rooms a tip Montgomery". "ikik I was going to clean it tonight before Sebb comes" "please clean it now mont?". "ok fine". I spent 20 minutes cleaning my room and then decided to go with a chill outfit of grey joggers and plain grey top, with my white plain Nikes.  I walk down the stairs where my mom was waiting for me by the front door. "mont seriously we are going out". "I feel comfy though". she grins while shaking her head. "okay let's go then"

Sebb's pov: 

Mont's mom told me that they had left and that I had an hour before they get back, I saw them leave as I was waiting around the corner, I badly wanted to run up to him but it would ruin the surprise so I refrained from doing that. As soon as they drove off I went through the back gate that she had left open for me. She couldn't leave me the front door open as mont would have been too as curious as to why she didn't lock it.  I had bought rose petals, snacks and a sign that I made. I made my way through his house and decided to start putting a rose trail down starting from the front door going up to his bedroom. I then scattered snacks on the bed and put his laptop in the middle ready to watch wreck it ralph. It took me around 40 minutes to fully set up perfectly but I was finally ready. I grabbed the sign that read "be my boyfriend?" and I stood there waiting, smiling from ear to ear 

Monty's pov:

My mom and I decided to go to Starbucks for breakfast, honestly, I actually really enjoyed it. We hardly spend any time together as I've been so busy with social media and school.  It was nice to catch up. We ate and decided to go back home to finish having a chill day and watch movies. As we pulled up on our drive, my mom handed me the keys "you go in and I'll park the car". "okay see you in there". I walk up to the door looking at my phone in my hand and open the door with the keys. As I step in, I see red rose petals trailing into the house. I turn around to see my mom. She just stands there grinning "mom what is this?" I said with butterflies circling in my stomach. " you'll have to find out" and she walks of smirking. I decide to follow the trail, which led finally to my bedroom. I pushed open my door to Sebb standing at the end of my bed. I felt so dizzy, he was here, I could've fainted. He walks towards me. "hey mont". I couldn't speak so I just pulled him into my embrace as hard as I could. "Monty I kind of can't breathe " ." sorry Sebb, I just missed you". " I missed you more baby". "soo. do you have an answer"? he says while pointing to the sign. "Sebb ofc".  I hug him again this time pulling away and kissing him deeply. "I love you Sebb so much". "I love you to boyfriend". "hmmm I could get used to that", I whisper in his ear.

Sebb's pov:

Monty's mom text me to say that they were there and that he was about to walk in. I looked out his window to see he was in fact there. He looked amazing, he puts no effort in yet he still manages to look so hot. I ran back to his bed and picked up the handmade sign. I heard him ask his mom what was going on. I realised how much I have missed his voice. I heard him coming up the stairs, any second now...

The door flew open. He looked so surprised. He just stood there. I walked to him. "hey mont".  He still said nothing, until he flew into my arms. I breathed in his scent as he literally strangled me. He let go. I saw it in his eyes, that this meant the world to him.  I asked him and ofc he said yes. We kissed and it felt like I was falling in love all over again. If that's even possible. We went out for a walk in the forest near his house and then spent the day cuddling in bed watching movies and eating pizza and snacks. Him and I, decided to tell the UK squad and they all just thought that we were official already but we let them know anyways.  It was perfect. He was perfect.

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