telling the fans

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*Set 2 months after Monty and Sebb had made it official with each other*

Monty's pov:

Honestly, it was getting so hard. Every video we did together I had to control the urge to kiss him and show him off. We couldn't act as a couple and things like that. I want him to take his time, of course, it's a difficult thing telling your family as well as thousands of people on the internet your personal things.  I  get it and I'm trying to be as patient as I can be . In every video we make, people ship us or they say things like 'if they are not dating then love isn't real' or 'it's so obvious Monty is into Sebb'.  I mean yeah they were right but I just couldn't say it yet. I was out I had been out for ages it was just Sebb. I planned to stay at Sebb's house this weekend. I was looking forward to it as I missed him so much. When I'm not with him I feel so lonely. He's like a part of me now.

Sebb's pov:

Monty was coming around this weekend and I think I'm ready.  Mont has been ready to tell fans for ages but me no. I needed time. Truth is I was scared people were going to judge and say things. I just didn't know how I'd deal with hate if I got it. Especially on my sexuality.  Telling my family was the hardest so telling fans wasn't going to be that hard but still, I was so nervous.  It was the right thing to do though, although I'm pretty sure 90% of our fans already know somethings going on. The other 10% are either too young or just think we are really close friends. I planned to do it when he was at mine, maybe make a cute video on TikTok. Something like that.

Mont's pov:

I grab my bag and step of the train while scanning the platform for Sebb. I immediately see him leaning against the wall smiling over at me. My heart flutters underneath my chest. I run to him taking him into a deep hug. It felt like ages since I last was with him, which was only last weekend. We just stood there hugging, we finally pulled apart after and we kiss, a meaningful missed kiss." I missed you" I say looking into his eyes."I missed you more"." come on, my mom's waiting for you at home,"  Sebb says grabbing my hand, and pulling me with him.

Sebb's pov:

I take mont's hand and pull him onto my bed. "sorry for my mom you know how she gets, she talks forever""aha its fine babe, I love your mom".  "mont I have to tell you something". Monty looks at me with concern. "ok... is everything alright?". I pull him closer to me so that his face was only centimetres away from mine. I kiss the tip of his nose "everything's good, I just think I'm ready".  "ready for what?", He looks at me with pure confusion. "I'm ready to tell the fans, I don't want to hide it anymore, Mont I want to be able to act like a couple with you". "Are you sure cause I can wait longer Sebb". I take his hands and put them in mine. "babe I'm sure".               "okay, I'm glad".  I couldn't keep it in anymore I lean in more blocking the space between us and kissing him, this time it's different to the train station, it's more passionate. I wanted him all of him. He pulls me onto him and we finally tear apart breathing heavily. "I love you Montgomery", "I love you, Sebastian"

Monty's pov: 

Sebb tells me he's ready and I'm the happiest boy. I've wanted this for so long and it made everything so much better. I look over to Sebb and see he is shielding his phone from me . "what are you looking at?" I question with a smirk. "you'll see", I sigh and move closer to him. "no-no, stay there" he says while moving away. "let me see" I say pouting. It gets him every time. "nice try mont, but just wait". "fine", I sigh moving back moodily. We spend the evening on our phones which annoyed me, it was weird that Sebb was doing something on his phone and wasn't showing me. I got up and walked out of his room, he was annoying me so why should I stay with him, it's clear he's busy with something else.

 I walk into their living room where his mom was sat reading a book. She looks up with a soft smile. "Monty, everything okay love?". "yep Sebb's busy so I thought I'd leave him to it". "ahh well sit with me we can catch up " she patted to the seat next to her.  We sat there talking for about half an hour just talking about life. I loved talking to Sebb's mom. She was like a second mom to me. I felt my phone vibrate from my jeans multiple times. "sorry one sec", I smiled apologetically at her.  I pull out my phone its the UK squad GC I saw Sebb commenting. So he can message the GC but not pay attention to me??.  I read the messages. what are they talking about? cute video? what?. They are talking about Sebb. I'm the most confused I've ever been. I go onto tik tok and I see it. What they were all talking about. Sebb is sitting there, and there's me and him, clips of us. I feel a tear run down my cheek. I look over to him mom she was watching it with me. She pulls me into a hug, she understands. I wipe my face "I better go see him". She smiles, "of you go hun".

Sebb's pov: 

It took me so long to edit me and Mont's confirmation TikTok. Halfway through me doing it mont got annoyed,  I could tell. He literally walked out in a full on strop. I felt like laughing its so cute when he gets mad. He scrunches his nose up its honestly so adorable. I finished finally after an hour and I posted it. I put me and mont's cutest clips and I made it the cutest I possibly could. I started it with *dear Monty*.  As soon as I posted it the UK squad were texting saying how cute it was. I saw Mont viewing the messages why wasn't he replying? Does he not like it?. I sigh and get up to go find him. On cue the door opens to my room. It was Monty. He had tears in his eye. "are you ok mont?". A sense of worry comes over me I grab him and pull him into me. "Sebb, I love you". "I love you to mont," I say while planting a kiss on his forehead. "That was the cutest". " So I'm guessing you liked it?". "I loved it, no one has ever done something like that for me". I smile and hold onto his face leaning into his warm kiss. 

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