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Today is the day that I'm finally going to meet Sebb and ofc the UK squad. I'm so nervous. I couldn't sleep last night. Sebb and Me spoke last night on ft, just the usual. I'm always the happiest when I'm on a call with him or texting him. The ticket officer breaks through my thoughts "ticket please", I reach in and pull out my ticket and hand it to him with a nod. Queenie my little sister does the same. He walks away and I turn to face the window looking out onto the countryside and soon enough I fall asleep to the gentle movement of the train moving along on the train tracks.

I look at myself in the mirror, this outfit was such a flop. I needed it to be perfect. I didn't know why it needed to be but it did. I look around at my bedroom, it was a mess, clothes were scattered everywhere. I'll have to clean it later when I get back before my mom kills me, sebb thinks to himself. Sebb liked the jeans he was wearing. They were normal black skinny jeans with a black trendy belt hanging out. He sighs. Once again he takes off the maroon jumper he is wearing, picks up a white top and throws on a light brown checkered shirt unbuttoned. That will have to do. He texts kt. *You ready yet?* she replies in seconds. *yh meet you at the train station babes.*  Sebb and Kt had been talking for only a few days now, she was cool. But deep down sebb wished that it was someone else he was talking to, he just didn't know who.

I was awoken by queenie shaking me, "yeah, yeah I'm up", I groan."good you were out for ages, lets go" says queenie,  as she takes my hand steering me of the train and onto the platform. My eyes still full of sleep, I rub my eyes to try and fully awaken me. As I look up he's there looking straight at me. He waves. I can't move. He looks so good. Queenie moves in front of me making me look directly at her. "Earth to Monty, you going to go to him or what?" she questions with a grin.  As I turn my attention back to Sebb I see kt hugging him from the side smiling up at him. I feel sick. Why do I? I know they are talking to each other and I'm happy for them. "yh queenie, let's go say hi", I say quickly trying to not think about my feelings towards their relationship. I walk towards Sebb so that we are face to face. "Hey sebb, Hey Monty", we say at the same time awkwardly. 

All of a sudden, he takes me in almost knocking the breath out of me, but he's warm and welcoming and I rest my head onto his shoulders, we stood there for what felt like an eternity. We finally tear apart. KT breaks my thoughts, "hey mont" and she also hugs me, it was different then sebb's though, it was sweet and quick. I look at queenie and say " Queenie and I are going to sign in, guess we will see you guys in a bit" . "yeah we should go", Queenie says her goodbyes,  I take one last glance at sebb and we walk off.

I reached the train station, where kt was already waiting for me. She runs up to me and embraces me, "hey i missed you" she squeals "I missed you to" I say trying to sound as excited as possible, she leans into kiss me, I don't want to. Instead, I pull her into a tighter hug. I really hope she didn't notice that.  I don't think she did as when I pulled away she was smiling. "Shall we go then?" kt says. "Is it ok if we wait for Mont and Queenie they should be here soon?"  Her face dropped. "yh sure course." I knew she wanted to just go back to the hotel but I wanted to see Mont. 

10 minutes later... 

He was there rubbing his eyes looking so unbelievably cute. My heart stopped he had seen me. I waved at him but he just stared, this is awkward. Did I do something? I feel kt hugging me, ugh not now. He walks towards me his eyes piercing into me. "hey mont", we speak at the same time. Without thinking I pull him in, he's tense unwelcoming but after a while he relaxes into me. Me hugging him is different from anyone else hugging me. We break apart and honestly, I didn't want to, Monty moves over to kt while I say hi to Queenie.  Out of nowhere he starts rambling on how they need to sign in which I know is bullshit because the sign-in stations don't open till later and we planned on facetime to sign in together. He's avoiding me but why. I try and get him to look at me but he stays looking at Queenie. As he walks of I see him glance back at me his eyes filled with sadness, Queenie says goodbye to me and kt and shoots me a sorry smile.

Overall pov-

The day went on, the UK squad met up, they loved meeting their supporters. They took pictures and throughout the day they made an endless amount of TikTok's. Monty avoided sebb, carefully moving away from him if he came too close, not making eye contact and turning his back to him. Whenever Monty made a TikTok or a snap video, he'd smile forcefully. But, as soon as the cameras went away, his face dropped. Everyone there noticed. Especially Sebb. Sebb was hurt he didn't know what he had done to deserve this cold treatment. Sebb planned to confront his best friend. He hated when they argued which was extremely rare...

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