longing glances.

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Overall pov-

Monty and Sebb were stronger than ever, still just best friends but it was better than nothing for Monty. Since late August, Sebb and Monty had been visiting each other every week. Facetiming every night when they could.  It was now mid-October. Sebb's mom had loved Monty the moment she had met him. She was forever asking Sebb about him. She saw the way they exchanged longing glances at each other and knew deep down Sebb loved him and as more than a friend, he just didn't know it yet.  She was waiting for him to realise, where she would be ready to support him and love him regardless.

I looked away from the Netflix screen and at Mont. We were watching Hannah Montana, our usual. He looked so adorable, his hair messy, his light steady breathing. He must have sensed me looking as he turned his head around to look at me. I hastily looked away, but I felt my cheeks and neck going a sour red. Fuck"

Sebastian care to tell me why you are staring?"

"I was not haha",  I say trying to sound as cool as possible.

"Sure thing," he says with a wink. I turn my attention back at the screen but really I wasn't paying attention at all. 

Recently I've been feeling things that I can't explain. It clouds my thoughts. For a while now people have been shipping me and Mont and at first I ran along with it, it was funny to joke around with. It got us views, it sounds bad but it was the truth. So we started making videos where we would pretend to kiss. Monty's bisexual I know that, so for him, I guess its easier to act like he's interested in a guy. So I thought that it would be hard for me to as I'm not attracted to guys, but when I'm doing them with Mont it's like we are not acting. When ofc we are. I'm overthinking. Mont's my best friend. What's wrong with me? I'm straight. 

Anyways since sitc things have been great between us. We had that whole tiff at the event, but its sorted now. We are so much closer and so happy. But I know something's happened. He won't tell me what it is. He's happier yeah, but I can see beyond his 'fake' happiness.  Something is bothering him. I'm going to find out and try to help him get through whatever it is as much as I can.

I know he feels it too. I'm certain. We were watching Hannah Montana in Sebb's room and, I felt his eyes looking at me. As I looked over to him, he moved his head faster than I'd ever seen.  I smirked as he went red all over, but why? I joked with him asking why he was staring, ofc he denied it. That's what I mean, small moments like that. When moments like that happen I literally have 1000 butterflies fluttering around. I'm in love with him, I have been since Sitc. It's been weighing me down. He doesn't know, it's good that way. 

I feel my phone vibrate through my jogger pocket, it's kt. 

*Hey mont, party at an air b&b next week for Halloween, tell Sebb for me :)*

 God no. Parties are a no for me. I have bad anxiety so large gatherings can trigger a panic attack. 

*yeah, I'll tell Sebb, but I'm not sure if I'm up for it*

*don't worry mont it's just the UK squad and a few others* I  breathe a sigh of relief 

*ok sounds good*  I look over to Sebb who is already looking at me. 

"Everything good mont?".

" yeah, Halloween party next week with the UK squad at an air b&b".

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