what's happening to us?

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Overall pov: 

Sebb and Mont being able to live with each other was a dream come true. They no longer had to facetime or wait to see each other. They were able to wake up next to each other every morning. Be with each other 24/7. It was for the most part perfection. Except for the fact that they had been having small arguments recently. They weren't big arguments, and they always resolved them but something was off.

Sebb's pov:

I walked into our room where he lay, he looked beautiful. The sun shone through the window onto his perfectly symmetrical face. His lips slightly parted. His chest moving up and down ever so slightly in rhythm to his breathing. I make my way to him and on planting a kiss on his cheek he grumbles, opening his eyes and smiling once he registers that it's me "Not yet sebby", he pulls me on top of him. "It's 10 though", I say while stroking his hair. "Just 5 more minutes". I move off him and onto the bed pulling him into my chest.

 I must have dozed off with him as when I woke he was no longer by my side. I call to him "Montt?".  I hear him run up the stairs. "I see you're finally awake?". He kisses my nose quickly. "Yeah, why didn't you wake me up?". I grab my phone from our desk "It's 1, I've overslept!?". "It's ok Sebb today we decided to have a chill day anyways, no one else has filmed and made any content". "That doesn't matter, I had a whole schedule for today". I felt my voice raising at him, I couldn't help it. "Look Sebb, I don't understand why you're getting upset at me. It's really not that big of a deal,  your acting childish!". "Childish? are you being serious mont?". "Look I really don't want to fight over this, its stupid Sebb". "yeah whatever then", I get up of our bed and go to walk out. He grabs my arm "Sebb please don't be mad". "Mont you don't understand,  so just fuck off". I looked at him, he looked broken. I don't understand why I was being so cold and bitter with him. I left and went downstairs. He didn't come to me, neither did I. I didn't really care. 

He spent the rest of the day in our room, and I downstairs. Everyone noticed and asked what was up. I shrugged my shoulders. I really didn't want to talk about it.  We had dinner and Mont and I didn't speak to each other. I looked at him and he looked miserable. I felt a pang of guilt. What was I doing? Tonight was movie night, while I was washing up I heard Monty saying to shauni that he didn't feel well so he was just going to go to bed.  I decided that I would go upstairs to speak to him and try and resolve it. 

Monty's pov:

I was beyond angry. I don't know what had gotten into him. We had been fighting recently over the smallest of things and, normally after 5 minutes, we would be ok again. Today's fight was different. I knew why we were fighting, I had all day to think. I sat with my head in my knees feeling incredibly troubled. I felt his hand on my shoulder "Mont?".  I shrug his hand off of me.      "Look mont I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got upset at you. I was overreacting. at times I freak out when I don't have a routine I know. I really shouldn't have taken it out on you". "Look Sebb, there's more to it. We have been fighting all the time recently and don't deny it". "yeah, but it's normal". "No Sebb it's not fucking normal to tell your boyfriend to fuck off cause you overslept" I felt my anger rise, I stood up of the bed so we were face to face. "Well mont, it isn't normal for you to have a go at me just for me leaving my t-shirt on the floor". "Seriously Sebb, sorry that I like to have a clean tidy room". "Oh well sorry that I like to have a routine". "ahh you know what Sebb I'm fucking going, I can't deal, I'm not fighting like this with the man I love". "Monty-". "No Sebb, I know what it is, we are always together, we need space from each other". "Monty don't go, we can work this out, we can communicate more. we can talk just please don't go".  For a moment as I looked into his eyes, I felt like giving in. "No, it's for the best". I grab my suitcase and start to pack my stuff. hoodies, jeans etc. "Monty please". I could hear the pain in his voice. But we needed time apart. I felt the tears emerging as I closed my suitcase. I turned around and he to had tears. "Baby don't leave me". "I have to Sebb". I kissed his cheek wet from his tears. I make my way down the stairs past shauni and jake. Of course, they questioned me with concern. I make my way to the front door, as I'm about to leave kt appears, "look Monty just wait, you and Sebb are the strongest I know. you guys are stronger than this!". "Just go for a few hours cool of, just leave your things here, where are you even going to go. there are no trains, and its quarantine". "Fine, don't wait up". I walk out into the cool air of London.

Sebbb's pov:

I've done it, I've ruined us. I feel lost. I sit on my bed sobbing praying that he'll walk back in. The door opens "Monty?!", I spring up, as I see who it is I feel my body deflate again. "It's just me Sebb," kt says while pulling in a suitcase. "This is Monty's he's coming back Sebb". "Oh thank god". "You and he need to talk". She pulls me into a tight hug. "It's just a bump Sebb, you'll sort it and be better than ever, this is normal, I think it's different for you guys as you both don't know how to deal with it properly as you guys never fight". "I guess kt, I just hope I haven't lost him". " babes you haven't trust me ok?". "Okay, thanks kt". "You going to be okay on your own ?". "Yeah, I'm just going to stay up to wait for him". She walks out and I feel even more alone. 'come home mont I pray to myself.'

Monty's pov:

I walked for what seemed like hours. It was pitch black and so unbelievably cold. I checked my phone it was now 1:12 am, it had been over two hours since I had left. Now that I had cleared my mind, I felt at ease. All I wanted was to be in Sebb's arms. I had made it back it was now 2:am, my legs hurt, I was freezing and beyond tired.  I opened the door and closed it behind me as quietly as possible. I didn't want to disturb the rest of the house members. I made my way up to mine and Sebb's room. The door was shut but I heard Hannah Montana being played. He was really watching it without me... I walked in nervously and immediately he got up and took me in. I breathed in his scent feeling immediately at peace. "I'm sorry for going Sebb, I'm so sorry",  I whisper in his ear. "No don't apologise, I was so out of order. I was having an off day and I took it out on you, never will I do that again mont". "Shhh, baby", I turn my head to kiss his cheek and then making my way to his lips. I push myself onto him and, we fall onto the bed entangled into each other. "I love you Sebb". "I love you baby". At that moment I know we were to last. He was to be mine forever. Always.

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