a disruption in the plan.

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Overall pov:

It was now mid-march 2020. Both Sebb and Mont had been invited into the byte house with 4 other members. 'Jake Sweet, Shauni Kibby, Kt franklin and Lily-Rose'. It was all so exciting. They were all meant to be moving into the house in a few weeks when all members got a phone call...

Monty's pov:

I was so excited to be moving in next month,  I would be with my boyfriend and friends it couldn't get any better. 

Incoming call manager lucy: accept/decline

mm, I wonder why she's calling?

M: "Hey lucy what's up?".

L: "I have something to tell you in regards to the byte house"

Oh was I being kicked out?!! I felt nerves seeping through me.

M: "Is everything okay?" I say trying to keep my cool.

L: "Everything is good Mont but we think its best if you all move in by this weekend, we just think as coronavirus is such big thing and it seems to be getting worse so by you travelling, later on, there is a risk you catch it while coming up to London."

M: "oh ok that sounds smart, I'll have to talk to my family first is that okay?"

L: "yep, just let me know your decision by tomorrow".

M: "okay bye lucy".

L: "bye".

I brushed through my hair in worry, what if my mom doesn't let me go now, we were going to spend time before I go. But if I don't go and stay here I miss a great opportunity. That might never ever come around again.

Sebb's pov: 

I just got off the call to my manager lucy. Honestly, I'm happy to be moving in early. It's going to be great living with Mont. I go into my mom's room, where she was reading her favourite novel.  "mom can I speak to you?" "yes Sebb, are you alright?". "yeah mom I'm good, but I just got off the phone to lucy, you know my manager...""yes Sebb go on". "well she says we have to move in this weekend because of the corona thing".  "oh", I saw the look of disappointment on her face.  I knew she wanted to spend time with me before I left initially in the next month. "I know that's why I might not go mom". "no Sebb!, you have worked way too hard, its an amazing opportunity. You're going! ". "are you sure mom?". " I'm positive, Sebb ill still be here when you come back". I pull her into a hug. "thanks mom". "I love you Sebb don't ever forget that". "I love you too". "right, enough with the heavy", she gets up and claps her hands. "you have to start packing". "oh I do, I forgot". "haha Sebb what did you think you were gonna wear?". "look we have cardboard boxes in the garage that you can use to pack stuff in makes it easier than to transport them". "ok mom sounds good". "I'll go grab them for you and I can help you pack".      "ok sure thing". I walk back into my room and start to take my clothes off hangers and from my drawers. She returns with folded boxes and we spend the rest of the day packing up my things.

Monty's pov:

I dreaded this conversation, I knew what my parents were going to say. I walked up to their bedroom. "guys can I come in??" I say while knocking on their door.  "come in" I hear my mom say.  I walk in and sit at the end of my parent's bed, nervous for the conversation we were about to have. "guys I have to tell you something". "Are you okay Monty?" my dad says. "yeah I'm fine it's just I have some news about the byte house...you guys knew I was originally going to move in next month. My manager lucy just called and she needs me to move in this weekend as coronavirus is rising and there's a risk I could catch it if I joined later on".  "Monty you can't" my mom looks at me with sadness. My dad chips in, "No hang on look son, this is what I think. This is an amazing opportunity that might not even come again. I say that you should go". "thanks dad". I look over to my mom who looks distraught. "mom I'm sorry but its too good to pass on". "I know mont I know, I just thought I'd have time to spend with you that's all". "I know I'm sad too". "You better start packing lad" my dad winks at me. "ok thanks guys, I love you guys".  I walk back into my room to call Sebb...

Sebb's pov:

By the time my mom and I had finished for the day it was around 8pm and I realised that I hadn't spoken or texted mont since the morning. I grabbed my phone and saw a missed call from him.  I smiled to myself, 'I better call him back'. I switch on my laptop and facetime him...

S: "hey baby"

M: "Hey where have you been all day? I missed you" he says while pouting.

S: "I've been packing all day, I missed you too so so much,  I'm guessing lucy told you to. What did your parents say?"

M: "yep, well my moms upset but she said I could go and my dad was all for it"

S: "Same with my mom but she helped me pack all day soo shes good I guess."

M: "Yeah I'm going to start tomorrow"

S: "You haven't started packing yet babe?"

M: "I only just found out"

S: "That means you only have tomorrow to pack"

M: "I know, ill get queenie to help or something," He says with a sigh

S: "I could come down if you'd like? I really don't mind..."

M: "no- no it's okay, ill meet you at the house."

S: "okay baby"

M: "I'm actually going to start now just the small stuff"

S: "Okay text me in the morning"

M: "ok bye baby"

S: "bye my love"

Monty's pov:

I was running on no sleep. I spent the whole night packing my bits and bobs. I didn't get to sleep till 2 am, I then woke up at 8 to start packing the major stuff. Queenie wanted to help but was busy with things as were the rest of my family. Plus It's like my responsibility therefore,  I was to do it on my own. Soon I was going to be 18, meaning an adult, I need to act like one. I had to do things on my own. I had to grab the train tomorrow and I didn't know how I was to do it on my own. I guess I'd have to find a way. I was folding clothes into a suitcase when my dad walks in.  "hey dad". "I was thinking mont, how are you planning to go up tomorrow?". "the train". "Is it okay if I take you?". "if your not busy dad, I don't mind taking the train". "Don't be silly, ill take you, what time you want to go?". "is about 2 pm okay dad?". " yes sounds good". He walks out and I quickly say "thanks dad". He just nods and walks out closing the door behind him. That was the best thing he didn't hover like my mom does. I look around my room, it was a mess. a huge mess. Clothes everywhere, boxes upturned. I was meant to clean it as well, I checked my phone. It was 7 pm. I was nowhere near done. I stayed up until  2am again this time I was finally finished with all the packing. I just needed now to clean up the room in the morning.

Next morning-

I woke up late. shit shit shit. Sebb was calling me. 

S: "Monty"

M: "yes Sebb," I say hoarsely

S: "you just woke up didn't you?"

M: "yeah my alarm didn't go off for some reason," I say rubbing my eyes

S: "ok well you're running late, so I'm going to leave you to it, ill see you later"

M: "okay baby I love you"

S: "I love you more"

I got out of my bed and got ready for the day, me getting ready consisted of wearing my grey joggers and a black top with my nikes. cute but casual. It took me ages to clean up my room and I had to finish packing my toiletries. I was finally done but it was 3 pm,  I was running late. My dad walks in, "you ready Mont?". "yeah, dad one sec". "Here let me help you take the stuff into to my car". After half an hour I was ready to go. I hugged my mom and I told her that I would be back soon. My siblings were nowhere to be found, I decided that I would just facetime them later.

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