becks's party

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I waited for Becky, she was wasting her time. I just wanted to go home, talk to my mom and wrap my head around the situation. 

"Wow you really have the worst resting sad face, I'm not dead yet don't worry".

 It was Monty, standing in front of me with a smirk on his face. 

"Monty?! what are you doing here?"

"Becky told me you were planning on going home? wow, and you really were not even going to say goodbye to your favourite person?"

"Monty, I'm sorry for everything", I stand up so that we were now facing face to face.

" I don't want to talk about it Sebb, I know your answer. there is nothing else to discuss, I've lost you in that way, I can't lose you as a mate as well".

 I looked at him wanting him to tell him how I felt, I couldn't. Instead, I just let him believe that I just wanted to be mates. 

"Yeah sounds good, come here" I pulled him in and we hugged, I closed my eyes in appreciation. I had him back. 

"right now grab your stuff, we are partying tonight,"  he says winking at me.

After Becky called it took me 5 minutes to realise that I needed to go to him. I was just going to have to put my feelings away, look at what it was doing to us, my feelings were breaking us.

  "Loz we need to go to the train station". 

"Okay let's go mont".

 I dialled Becky's number as loz and I ran out of Nandos and onto the street. 

M: "Becky, whereabouts is he?"

B: "at the entrance, took you long enough"

M: "I just hope I can get there in time"

B: "let me know what happens"

M: "ok see you later" 

I end the call hastily.

 "it says the train leaves in 5,"  loz says out of breath. 

"Okay, we are going to have to sprint" I grab loz's hand. We get there.

  "go get him mont," loz says while struggling to breathe. 

"Okay, I won't be too long".

I turn around and see him immediately. He's sitting there so glum. I walk up to him... 

"I'm not dead yet".

 He looked surprised to see me. We talked, his answer wasn't the one I wanted but it what it is.  We hugged, made up and we started making our way with Loz to Beckys air B&B for the party. Things were looking up, well kind of.

The party was really chill, it wasn't like last night's party. We weren't in costumes and it was just overall more relaxed. Monty and I were ok now, yet I hadn't seen him since we got here. I got up off the sofa where kt and lily were sat. 

"I will be back I'm going to go find mont".

 I spot loz.

" hey loz,  have you seen mont?"

she points to the kitchen,

"he's in there".  

I walk into the kitchen to see him sitting on his own with a beer in his hand, he hasn't seen me. He looks down into his beer. He looks so sad. I can't take it .

"mont?".  He shoots up, clearly not expecting me. 

"you really have to stop creeping up on me Sebb".

" Sorry, I couldn't find you anywhere"

"well you found me"  he gestures pointing at where he was. 

"you're avoiding me mont, why?".

" Nope, why would you think that"

" well considering you are hiding out in the kitchen and I haven't seen you all night"

"I don't know what you want me to say, I'm going back to the party Sebb" 

I block his way

  "just stop mont, stop pushing away again, and again"

  " Well as you know I can't help it Sebb"  he pushes me out the way with force, he really doesn't want to speak to me.  I follow him into the living room where the party was mainly centred. 


everyone stops.  He turns around

"you going for round 2 of embarrassing me?".

"No, I'm going to say what I want to say in front of everyone". 

He stood there 

"Okay, I'm waiting"  

I was going to be sick, never had I ever been this nervous. 

And there he was standing in front of me, in front of everyone. He took a step towards me. "

Monty the past few months, I'm not going to lie,  I've been feeling things, that I don't understand. I brushed them off because I didn't understand. I know how I feel now, and I'm sorry it took me this long to figure it all out. I didn't want to lose you, Monty your the best thing that has happened to me. Your everything to me. I hate myself so much for what I did to you,  for what I've been doing to you. Yesterday when you kissed me, I freaked out cause I realised, I enjoyed it and I wanted to keep kissing you, I cant just be your friend".

I felt dizzy. This was totally not happening. It's just a dream, right? I look over to loz who was grinning like the Cheshire cat, it was happening. I look back at Sebb. 

"So Monty, I'm doing this I'm telling you, and everyone else that I am in love with you, I love you mont"  

I gasp.

 " se-"

 He cuts me off

  "you don't need to say anything I just needed you to know,  I know you don't owe me anything." 

He edges closer to me. We were now only noses apart. I felt my whole body tingle. He pulls me in, kissing my mouth, hungry and intense. I gave in and kissed him back, I was unaware of my doing,  my fingers slipping under his shirt. Time stopped, it was like no one else was there, reality snaps in and I remembered we were in front of everyone. As I pull away from Sebb everyone starts whooping and cheering.  I giggle and put my head into his warm neck. 

"I love you to Sebb".

I did it, I was so scared of what was to come, but I had him. Monty was by my side. with him, I feel so safe like anything is possible now. Now we knew how we felt. We spent the rest of the night together. Practically joined by the hip, never leaving each other's side. Exchanging sweet kisses and looking into the eyes of each other. He was my soulmate I knew it and I couldn't wait for the future. Our future.

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