Chapter I: Bloodline

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                       "The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for their children they are heaven's lieutenants". (William Shakespeare) 

 Parents, siblings, loved These words meant nothing to Y/N. Growing up, she didn't realize how fucked up the family that she was born into actually was. Just like any other child, she adored her family and couldn't imagine ever wanting to live apart from her parents, until her 7th birthday...the day that her life began to become immersed in blood.The day Y/N turned seven was the day her childhood officially ended...a day Y/N remembers all too well.

"Wake up Y/N-oneechan! Wake up!" Y/N awoke to her younger sister Miki, who was only the age of four, climbing onto her lap and yelling in her face. Two strong arms suddenly appeared and whisked Miki onto their shoulder. 

"Happy 7th Birthday!" Y/N widened her eyes to her little sister Miki in the strong hold of her father and her mother holding a strawberry cake already lit with candles. A giant smile spread across Y/N's face as she blew out the candles and a birthday tiara was placed on her head.

"Now get dressed and come downstairs as soon as you're ready. We got a big day planned just for you!" her mom exclaimed as she kissed Y/N on the cheek and then preceded to hurriedly head downstairs, her father and Miki not far behind. 

Y/N lightly placed her hand on the cheek her mother had just kissed and smiled warmly. She then jumped out of bed and preceded to get dressed up and ready for her big day. Looking at herself in the mirror, she fastened her birthday tiara back on her head and smiled. Alright she thought, let's have some fun! And the day went on as such. Y/N spent all day being taken all around the house by her parents and sister. Her parent's employees bowed and smiled at her as she continued to run around her gigantic house and discover the multiple birthday surprises that her family had planned for her. At 7pm, she was led into the main hall by her parents who had blindfolded her, telling her they were leading her to her final surprise. As she took the blindfold off, she was immersed in applause and cheers as she looked around to find everyone in the house had gathered to surprise her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Y/N's face was supporting the biggest smile as she saw the stacks of presents and huge cake that had been set up just for her. Her father put his hand on her shoulder and together they bowed to everyone who had gathered thanking them for such an amazing surprise. After that, her father picked her up and placed her on his shoulders as he walked up to the giant chair that had been decorated with the words Happy Birthday  in her favorite color red. He placed her down on the chair and she began to open her presents while everyone watched. The final presents were presented by her mother and father who were also supporting huge smiles.

"Happy Birthday my dear." Her mother knelt down in front of her and placed a long, slender wooden container on her lap. Y/N opened it and her eyes widened in awe as she gazed upon the multiple different polished daggers that lay in front of her. Her mom nodded in encouragement as Y/N slowly picked up a dagger by the hilt and examined it closely. 

"Soon enough, it'll be your turn to take over the family business."  Her mother whispered as Y/N continued to examine the blade. "When that time comes, you'll need to know how to use these. I can train you starting tomorrow". 

Y/N nodded at her mother's words, not truly understanding where she was getting at. As her mom gently took the dagger from her hand, placed it back in the box, and put the box to the side, Y/N's father beckoned her to his side. Y/N walked over to her father and as she stopped in front of him he knelt down and began to pull an object out of the side of his suit pants. In his hand, he revealed a pistol, the top half was colored a dark red and the bottom was pure black. He placed it in her palms and all Y/N could do was stare at it. Even being the young age that she was, she knew that her father had just given her a weapon, one that was made to kill. As she continued to stare at the pistol in her hands, she heard muffled cries and sounds of a man struggling enter the room. The crowd of family and her parent's employees parted as a man she recognized as her uncle, was dragging another man who was tied up and gagged to in front of where she stood. 

Her father slowly covered her hands with his, and guided them to how to hold the gun properly as he pointed it in the direction of the man who was tied up.

"This man," her father began, "was working for your mother and I, but unfortunately we had come to realize that he had betrayed us. You know what it means to betray someone right Y/N?"

Y/N slowly nodded her head, recalling that to betray someone was to hurt them in some type of way. "So...he hurt you and mom?" Y/N whispered and her dad firmly nodded at her.

"Not only did he hurt your mom and I, but he hurt our business, the business that  you will soon be trained to take over." Y/N's father slowly removed his hands from on top of hers and walked over to the terrified looking man who was clearly now at her mercy. He grabbed the man by his hair and dragged him right in front of where Y/N's pistol was pointed. 

"I thought as a final birthday present for my dear daughter, I'd give her the first stepping stone she needs to take in order to become ready to take over our family business." The man who was tied up shook his head back and forth and looked at Y/N with pleading eyes, silently begging her to not pull the trigger. Her father then looked at her and commanded "Shoot him."

Before Y/N even had time to think, she pulled the trigger, ending the man's life in an instance with a loud BANG. Blood splattered all over her, coating her birthday tiara in a dark red. Her hands were shaking and her breath was labored as her father came up to her, removed the gun from her hand, and patted her head in pride. The crowd that was watching immediately bowed in front of her, heads low, hands over their hearts. Her father stood behind her on her left side, her mother on her right, Miki somehow peacefully asleep in her arms.

"From here on, your training begins. Welcome to Yamaguchi-gumi, the top yakuza gang in all of Japan." Her father proudly told her.

"Welcome Miss Y/N!" the crowd shouted as Y/N slowly began to feel her childhood end at that very moment as her world became immersed in blood.

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