Chapter XXXVII: Kuroo

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Author's Note: I just wanted to take a moment before these final two chapters begin to thank you all so much for all of your support! I can't believe all the comments, views, and love this story has gotten. Every time I received a comment it truly did make my day. While this might be the end to this story, I have another story coming up! If any of you are interested in the MHA Universe, I will be writing a Hawksxreader story next. Look forward to the first chapter of that coming out in about two weeks! (Gonna take a week off for college because this semester is really picking up.) I don't wanna take up any more of your time so with that, please enjoy this chapter and the epilogue which will be released right after this! Thank you so much for everything my lovely readers :) 

"Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim."

(Vicki Harrison)

"Kuroo, do you want kids?"

"Kids? I've never really thought about it. I mean--"

Y/N looked away embarrassed, her eyes gazing out to the city lights below them from the private hotel room Kuroo had booked for her birthday. 

"It's alright, forget I said anything."

That didn't slide for Kuroo as he quickly approached Y/N, his hand gently forcing her chin up so he could look into her eyes.

"I didn't say I don't want kids Chibi-chan. Where's this coming from anyways?"

Y/N cheeks flushed red, a combination of the wine from earlier and embarrassment lingering on her face.

"I just love you so much--I was thinking about our future is all."

A deep chuckle admitted from Kuroo, his lips meeting Y/N's in a slow and passionate kiss before maneuvering around her body so he was behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her while his head laid in the crook of her neck. His eyes gazed out into the bustling city below them, while his lips placed feather-like kisses up her neck.

"Now you're getting me excited-- I think I'd make a pretty damn good father."

Y/N melted in Kuroo's embrace, moving her head slightly to the side to give Kuroo more access to her neck. A slight moan left her lips as he bit down gently on her ear, his hot breath invading her senses.

"If it's a boy, we should name him Kuroo."

A giggle left Y/N's lips at Kuroo's suggestion, her mind running wild with thoughts of her and Kuroo snuggled up with a little baby boy between them.

"And if it's a girl?"

"I think Kuroo could still work, don't you?"

Y/N turned around in Kuroo's embrace, laughing gleefully as her lips pecked his.

"You're such a narcissist."

Kuroo returned her kiss, this time deepening it as his tongue dominantly explored hers, leaving her breathless and wanting more. 

"Yeah, but you still love me. So how about we pull the plug and go make a baby right now?"

Another giggle left Y/N's lips as she flicked Kuroo in the head, his immediate pouting face afterwards making her laugh even more. 

"Not yet dork, but one day we will-- we'll make some great parents."

Kuroo smiled down at Y/N, his thumb gently drawing circles on her cheek as he dipped his head down to kiss her lips once more.

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