Chapter IV: Countless Secrets

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"Lies and secrets, Tessa, they are like cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind." (Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince)

It's been three days since Kuroo last had his first encounter with Y/N. He had awoken the morning after the party excited to see Y/N again when he realized that he never got her number, didn't know what dorm she lived in, and had no way of contacting her. After three days of searching with no luck, he was in a sour mood to say the least.

"Oh come on Kuroo, I'm sure you'll run into her sooner or later. Or maybe ya scared her off that night and she's been avoiding ya..." Yaku snickered to himself.

Without warning a pillow slammed Yaku in the face and he was met with Kuroo's glare.

"Jeez, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to strike a nerve." Though that scary face of yours really could've scared her off,  Yaku thought to himself.

"She's just some girl, it's whatever...I'll get over it. I'm gonna head to the gym to blow off some steam. I'll be quiet when coming back so I don't wake ya up. Goodnight." Kuroo slung his gym bag over his shoulder and quickly made his way out of the dorm. It was getting pretty late so Kuroo hoped to have most of the gym to himself. He had to get his mind off of Y/N for a while and an intense kickboxing session was what he had in mind to do so. However, as he entered the nearly empty gym, he heard a series of kicks and punches coming from the martial arts/boxing section. With a sigh, he turned around to exit the gym, but his curiosity got the better of him as he made his way towards the sounds of someone beating the shit out of a heavy bag. As he peaked around the corner his mouth dropped open in surprise as he saw the familiar figure of Y/N administering a skillful combination of jabs and kicks to the bag. He could see the sweat dripping off her figure as she mercilessly beat the bag, one punch, one kick after another. Mesmerized by the sight of her skillful fighting, he barely noticed as her captivating gaze met his once again just like that night.

"You know, it's pretty creepy to be spying on me like that." Y/N remarked as she continued to stare into his eyes, her eyes like daggers, as if she were attempting to stare into the very depths of his soul.

Kuroo stepped out from behind the corner, his arms raised in defense. "I didn't mean to spy, I'm sorry. Honestly, I was captivated by your skill. Where'd you learn to fight like that?"

"First you spy on me, now you're interrogating me huh? I didn't take you for the type who likes to pry in others secrets." Y/N smirked as she walked closer to him, Kuroo already beginning to become flustered as she began to close the distance between them.

"I'm sorry, I uhh wasn't trying to uhhh...."

Y/N stopped in front of Kuroo, her mouth inches from his.

"But just as I have my secrets, I'm sure you have yours too. Let's play a game shall we?" Y/N took Kuroo by the hand and pulled him into the sparring area. "Let's spar, one on one. Martial arts, kickboxing, street fighting, use whatever style you like. You win, and I'll answer your question."

Kuroo's eyes widened at her challenge. He had lost their last unspoken battle that night of the party and became excited at the chance to redeem himself.

"Fine. And if you win?" he asked, knowing that there had to be something in it for her.

"If I win... then you have to answer a question for me, no matter what the question may be. Sound fair?" Y/N smirked as she began to ready herself in a boxing stance. 

Kuroo nodded his head as he began to set a fighting stance of his own. "Sounds good to me. Don't get mad at me though if I end up hurting ya." Kuroo commented in a cocky tone. 

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