Chapter XX: Reassurance

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Warning: Steamy bits ahead! ;) I hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for your continued support. It means the world! 

"With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love." (Ilsa, Casablanca) 

"Fuck, Y/N--"

Tsukishima couldn't help himself as he pulled Y/N onto his lap, the taste of her lips making him lose all sense of control. 

Y/N allowed herself to be pulled onto his lap as she opened her mouth wider, giving Tsukishima's tongue full access to hers. His tongue roughly claiming hers caused Y/N to lose all control as she pressed her body closer to his--her fingers tugging on the blonde's hair.


At the sound of his first name coming from her lips among a mix of moans, Tsukishima deepened the kiss further-- his hands beginning to roam Y/N's body. Feeling confident, he took her bottom lip between his teeth and bit lightly before leaving her lips and trailing a series of bites and kisses down Y/N's neck. 

Y/N's hands also began to roam as they found their way under Tsukishima's shirt--her cold hands making contact with his surprisingly muscular body causing a shiver to send down his spine. Her hands continued to trail down his front as he found the weak spot on her neck--the spot that only one other person has discovered.


Y/N's hands came to a halt on Tsukishima's abdomen as she gently pushed him away. Her forehead made contact with his as he pushed back against her, refusing to let go. Both of their breaths became labored as they stared at each other, their lips mere inches apart. 

"Ke--Tsukki, I can't. I should go."

Tsukishima ignored her however as his arms wrapped tighter around her, holding her in place.

"I gotta get back to--"

"Kuroo? The guy who brought you back into this shitty world!? The one who has used you to make Nekoma stronger?" Tsukishima's fingers dug into Y/N's sides as he met her piercing gaze--this time having no intention of backing down.

"It was my choice! And it's our mafia--not just his. And, I love--"

"You love him? Then why are you here-- in my arms. Why does your body respond so easily to my touch, as if it's begging for more?"

Y/N subconsciously bit her lip as Tsukishima ran his hand from Y/N's side up to her front--his hand meeting her chin as he lifted it up towards him. He let his thumb slowly swipe over her bottom lip--pulling it out from her bite. 

"And why does your body tense with anticipation as I bring my lips closer to yours?"

Y/N found herself in a trance as his lips met hers once again--her mind telling her to run, but her body shaking in anticipation for more. As Tsukishima hit that sweet spot on her neck once again, her mind fought against her body as images of Kuroo popped in her head.

"I love you Chibi-chan."

Y/N snapped back into focus as she pushed Tsukishima away from her. Quickly standing up she turned to walk away-- walk into the safety of wherever Kuroo may be. However a hand caught her wrist firmly, pulling her backwards into a hard chest. 

"You don't have to turn around, just listen."

Y/N made no move to turn around nor run away so Tsukishima took it as his cue to continue.

"I'd never thought I would be in this position. You annoyed me, frustrated me. and I wanted nothing more than to beat you at your own game. But somehow-- I've come to care for your stubborn ass. The whole time at Johzenji's headquarters I was scared to death at the thought of you dying. I opened up to you, showed you a part of me that only Yamaguchi knows-- and you opened up to me. There's something more here and I know you can feel it. So go ahead-- go on and run back to him. I'm the type of guy who enjoys the chase-- though I think it won't be long until you come running into my arms."

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