Chapter III: A New Beginning

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                                                       "I dwell in possibility" (Emily Dickinson) 

It was another normal day for the students of Tohoku University in Miyagi Japan. Students chatter filled the campus as they walked to class, the gym, lunch, or wherever else they felt like spending their time. Kuroo Tetsuro had just emerged from his final class of the day and was making his way home when an arm suddenly was swung around his shoulders as he was pushed into a playful headlock from none other than his roommate Yaku Morisuke.

"What ya up too Kuroo-san?" Yaku asked while playfully rubbing his fist in Kuroo's messy hair. Kuroo easily swatted Yaku away and flicked Yaku in the head with irritation.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going back to the dorm."

"Oh no you're not!" Yaku suddenly took Kuroo by the arm and began leading him in the direction of where most of the frats resided on campus. "We are going to a party, right here, right now. All you do is sulk back to the dorm after your ex broke up with you. Not anymore! Let's go have some fun and get your mind off of things for a while."

Kuroo sighed with reluctance as he let Yaku drag him to the nearest party he could find. After all, Kuroo knows Yaku by now. After being his roommate for nearly a year, he's learned that once Yaku is set on helping someone, he won't stop till he's succeeded. They entered the first party they saw and were immediately immersed in the scent of alcohol and saw a bunch of college kids grinding on each other, playing beer pong, and couples making out on every surface available. 

"Now this is what I'm talking about! I'll go get us some drinks Kuroo. You go ahead and try to enjoy yourself for once." Yaku stuck his tongue out at his roommate and walked towards the makeshift bar to wait in line for some drinks. 

Kuroo sighed and found the nearest empty couch. As he continued to observe the party, his eyes fell on a beautiful girl with her long hair tied up in a bun. Her low cut dress had every guy near her fawning over her every move. He watched as she animatedly talked to the guy next to her who seemed to enjoy the attention he was getting. Suddenly, he felt Yaku plop down next to him, drinks in hand. As he handed Kuroo a drink, he noticed where his gaze had been so fixed upon.

"Ohh you finally spotted her huh? That's Y/N. She recently came to Tohoku University at the start of this semester, apparently all the way from Tokyo. Other than that I don't know too much about her, besides the fact that she's incredibly hot and definitely your type." 

Kuroo snapped his head to turn towards Yaku who was sporting a mischievous smirk. Without another word, Yaku patted Kuroo on the back and began to walk into the crowd of dancing college kids. He turned around before he became engulfed by the crowd and mouthed Good luck lover boy. And then he disappeared from Kuroo's sight.

Kuroo scanned the party, looking for his target when he finally spotted her leaning against the wall while sipping from a beer and quietly observing a beer pong game that was happening in front of her. Kuroo took a giant swig of the beer Yaku had given him, unbuttoned his dress shirt just a bit, and casually made his way into the empty space next to where she was standing. After observing the beer pong game for a few minutes he finally built up the courage to speak.

"It's pretty entertaining to watch a couple of drunken idiots attempting to play this game correctly, isn't it?" His remark rewarded him with a small giggle from her lips as she continued to watch both teams struggle to make a cup.

"You're not wrong about that." she commented as she took a sip from the beer in her hand. Now that he had her attention, he decided to make a move.

"Well I'd be lying if I said I came over here just to watch these losers play. Something else had caught my eye."

This earned another giggle from her lips as she finally took her eyes off the game and met his gaze. Kuroo was immediately mesmerized by the eyes that stared back at him. Both beautiful and fierce, wild and mysterious.

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