Chapter VIII: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend

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Hello Everyone! Thank you so much for sticking with me so far! Sorry for all the build up and backstory, but the mafia content of the story finally starts this chapter! I hope you all enjoy! Thank you again for your support! :)

"An individual can make a change, but a team can make a revolution." (Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words)

You've been running from this path your whole life--but I really think it's the path that suits you the most. Don't you, Chibi-chan?  Those were the words Kuroo had told Y/N after he had witnessed her first kill, the first kill of many that she had carried out for the betterment of Nekoma. 

After that day three years ago--the day that Kuroo and Y/N agreed to start a mafia, they had gotten right to work. With Kuroo's interested friends and the few connections he had, they were able to get Nekoma up and running in little under a year. Using the money Y/N was still able to get from her account in Tokyo, they were even able to purchase a moderate size house located in the Miyagi region that has become their headquarters. 

Y/N walked down the familiar halls of their headquarters--a place she has become used to as home, in search of the boss of Nekoma, the messy haired boy that she has come to know and love--Kuroo Tetsuro. As she rounded the corner, Y/N barely had time to react as she collided with a tall and lanky body. Rubbing her forehead in annoyance, she looked up to find Nekoma's most recent recruit, Lev Haiba, staring down apologetically at her. 

"Y/N! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I was actually heading to the training room! Can you come spar with me, please?"

Lev was Nekoma's newest recruit. While the half Russian/Japanese boy was untrained and not very knowledgeable when it came to the mafia, he had a raw talent-- a talent that Y/N knew would definitely help him slowly rise in the ranks in Nekoma.

"I'm sorry Lev. I'm a little busy today, but another time alright? By the way, have you seen Kuroo around at all?"

"The boss? No, I haven't seen--"

"LEVVVV. You're late. Get in here now before I have to beat your ass even more than usual."

Y/N chuckled as Lev began to get pulled away by his ear by none other than Yaku Morisuke. Yaku is one of the original members of Nekoma. Since day one he has supported Kuroo through everything. He is also in charge of training new recruits, a job that fits him well due to his sometimes motherly instincts as well as his fierce dedication to improving Nekoma as a whole. Yaku mouthed a quick "I'm sorry" as he drug Lev down the hall towards the training room.

As Y/N continued to search for Kuroo, she walked into the kitchen to be met with the sight of an animated Yamamoto Taketora trying to get the attention of Kenma Kozume, who's eyes were glued to his phone.

"Kenmaaaaaaaa, I'm trying to tell ya about the mission I went on last night. I had to kill this guy, but then this beauty of a woman appeared out of nowhere and then--" 

Kenma ignored Yamamoto as he began rattling off all the details of his mission from the previous night. As Y/N walked further into the kitchen, Kenma lifted his head, took off his earphones, and met her gaze.

"Morning Y/N."

"EHHHH! You're ignoring me this whole time, but as soon as Y/N walks in here you say hi? What the fuck you bastard?"

Y/N chuckled as Kenma went back to his game and continued to ignore a pissed off Yamamoto. Kenma was another one of Kuroo's best friends. They had known each other ever since they were in grade school. Despite his quiet demeanor, Kenma was by far one of the most talented hackers she has ever met. He was the core of Nekoma--the brain of the group. As for Yamamoto, despite his rash behavior and easy to anger attitude, he was one of Nekoma's top fighters. He used his brute force and skill with a gun to defeat most of his opponents. Nekoma was a force to be reckoned with and a lot of neighboring mafias had begun to notice.

"Morning you two. Have either of you seen Kuroo by any chance? When I got up this morning he was already out of bed and gone."

"Kuroo? I think he's out back. He's been off and on the phone all this morning. Something about Seijoh and Shiratorizawa acting up." Kenma replied quietly.

Y/N nodded her thanks as she quickly made her way towards the backyard of the house. As she made her way out back, she noticed Kuroo leaning against a tree, his movements aggravated as he slammed his fist into the tree.

"What do you mean they're working together!? Shit, who would've thought Oikawa would team up with that punk Ushijima. Thanks for letting me know, I'll talk to you later."

Kuroo hung up the phone and turned around to see Y/N staring back at him, her gaze laced with concern, no doubt about what she had just heard.

"Haven't I told ya before, it's not nice to eavesdrop, Chibi-chan."

Kuroo approached Y/N and slowly lowered his lips to her ear before whispering "Do I have to teach you a lesson?" Kuroo playfully bit her ear eliciting a shiver from Y/N. Before she could get distracted however, she quickly pushed him away. 

"Stop trying to distract me. What was that conversation about? What's happening with Seijoh and Shiratorizawa?"

Kuroo scoffed lightly before answering. "Did you just push me away? How mean Chibi-chan. I'll have to do something about that attitude of yours later."

Y/N's cheeks quickly became flushed as she imagined what Kuroo had in mind for her later. After three years together, he could still make her come undone with a flick of that tongue of his. Y/N shook her head quickly, attempting to put those dirty thoughts aside for now.

"Kuroo, I mean it. What's going on?"

Kuroo ran a hand through his messy hair-- a habit he has when he becomes worried or stressed.

"That sly bastard Oikawa joined hands with Ushijima. I never thought he would since everyone knows how much he hates Ushijima's guts, but Ushijima must have struck a deal with him somehow. One of my informants just told me that Bokuto and his men from Fukurodani were caught up in a fight against both Okiawa's and Ushijima's men working together. Luckily, nothing major happened, but it seems as though Oikawa and Ushijima are on the move. My guess is that they are trying to take out all the other mafias--probably in an attempt to get rid of the competition. Their men have been spotted from here all the way to Tokyo. We gotta move fast and come up with a plan before they have a chance to attack us."

"Damn, that's surprising. But if this gives us the chance to take out both Seijoh and Shiratorizawa in one blow, then I'm all in. Those bastards have always annoyed me. So, what's the plan boss?"

Kuroo's cat-like eyes lit up with mischief as he gazed back at his second in command, his lover--his Chibi-chan. 

"Well, I know you're not gonna like it, but I think it's time to form an alliance of our own. Those crazy bastards have gotten stronger and since our enemies are the same, I'm sure we can put aside our rivalry for now."

Y/N's eyes widened as she immediately knew who he was talking about. The group that has that freak sniper duo-- the new and upcoming mafia group that has been gaining in popularity lately.

"You don't mean--"

"I think it's time to give those pesky crows a visit, don't you think so Chibi-chan?"

Y/N's eyes lit with excitement at the thought of seeing their rivals again-- the flightless crows-- Karasuno. 

Haikyuu Mafia AU: Alone (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now