Chapter XXXI: The Brave are Always Stubborn

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"You don't get to decide," she said, "where I go, or when."
"I know." His voice was ragged. "I've always known that about you. I don't know why I had to fall in love with someone who's more stubborn than I am." (Cassandra Clare, City of Fallen Angels) 

"Kuroo-- I'm pregnant." 

Y/N watched Kuroo as a slew of emotions overtook his face. The shock and anxiousness was evident on his face as his eyes looked down at Y/N's stomach and then back to her fearful gaze. Before Y/N had a chance to say anything else, she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her and her face was buried in Kuroo's warm chest. He let out a slight chuckle as his arms pulled Y/N even closer till there was no space between them, their bodies pressed up against each other. Y/N felt Kuroo part slightly from their embrace as he kissed her on the forehead and looked down at her-- his eyes full of love and excitement.

"I'm gonna be a dad? Really?"

Y/N nodded at Kuroo's words silently, afraid that her voice would betray her, her emotions running wild.

"I'm gonna be a fucking dad.... I've never been this happy. I love you so fucking much Y/N."

Y/N stared back at Kuroo in shock-- the anger that she had expected from him never coming. As she stared at Kuroo's eyes, she could see nothing but love. This crazy black haired male stared at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world. His hand slowly ran over her stomach-- moving in small comforting circles. 

"You're not... not mad?"

Instead of responding, Kuroo gently pressed Y/N against the nearest wall-- his lips instantly covering hers. The kiss was slow, passionate, and full of love-- Kuroo's tongue taking it's time as it explored every inch of her mouth. Slowly he broke the kiss, his hands immediately finding her waist and giving it a little squeeze.

"Does that answer your question? Of course I'm not mad Chibi-chan. You literally just made me the happiest man on earth. Of course this is unexpected, but it doesn't make a difference to me. As soon as I met you at that party back in college, I knew that you were the one for me-- I knew that one day we'd get to this point. I love you so much."

Y/N smiled softly as she wrapped her hands around Kuroo's neck pulling him in closer.

"I love you too Kuroo-- so damn much."

Y/N and Kuroo shared one more passionate kiss, their tongues moving in sync like they were dancing. As Y/N broke the kiss, Kuroo's eyes suddenly widened, his hands moving to Y/N's shoulders.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I should've asked first... do you want to keep the baby? I know that's not my decision to make. If you don't it's okay cause I know one day we'll--"

"Kuroo-- I want to have it... I want to have your child, our child." 

Kuroo's eyes lit up with excitement at Y/N's words, his arms engulfing her in yet another embrace. A slight silence spread over them before Kuroo broke it-- his deep voice sending vibrations through Y/N's body.

"What Tsukishima was going to say... was he about to tell me that--"

"Yeah... yeah he was."

"You told him first, instead of me?"

Y/N's breath hitched in her throat as she heard the wariness in Kuroo's voice. She instantly looked up, her piercing blue eyes trapping his hazel ones.

"It wasn't on purpose Kuroo, I swear. Once our meeting ended, I snuck out of the room since I felt nauseous and Kiyoko followed me. She was the one who had me take a pregnancy test and then Tsukishima...well I guess he thought something was wrong and he burst through the bathroom door. He noticed the test before I was able to hide it from him."

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