Chapter XXXIV: The Strongest Opponents

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"We had grown into one another somewhere along the way. We were officially a team." (Shannon A. Thompson, Take Me Tomorrow)

"Kuroo, Y/N, do you copy?"

Daichi's panicked voice transmitted through their earpieces, causing the short heartfelt moment between the two sisters to end. Kuroo quickly moved from his spot against the wall and placed himself protectively next to Y/N and Miki.

"Copy. What's going on?"

"It's Inarizaki, they're--"

The sudden crash of the door being flung open cut off Daichi's words-- Miki, Kuroo and Y/N instinctively turning towards the intruder, weapons ready. The sight of familiar golden-brown eyes instantly causing Y/N to lower her weapons as she ran towards the tall male. 

"Tsukki! What happened, are you alright?"

Y/N's worried gaze scanned Tsukishima as he came into her view, his old wounds seemed to have reopened as blood slowly trickled through his clothes.

"It's just my old wounds reopening, I'm fine. What's more important right now is we gotta get out of here-- Inarizaki has come back to finish the job."

Tsukishima had directed his gaze to Miki-- his eyes quickly taking in her appearance and analyzing her. To his amusement Miki's gaze stayed strong, unwilling to back down as her piercing blue eyes stared him down. The resemblance was uncanny, Miki resembled a young and guarded Y/N, reminding Tsukishima of when he had first met Y/N, a dagger flying past his face making for a memorable introduction. He smiled slightly to himself as he recalled the memory before meeting gazes once more with Y/N.

"Judging from that familiar pissed off glare I'm receiving, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say we found Miki?"

Tsukishima's comment earned a laugh from Kuroo, the tension that had built up once again in the room slowly dissolving.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the uncanny resemblance. Though I think Miki's glare might even scare me more than Y/N's."

Y/N wasted no time delivering a slap to both of the boy's heads, earning a simultaneous groan of pain from each of them. Miki watched in awe as her sister scolded the boys, the hint of a smile on Y/N's face surprising her. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen her sister smile, the carefree attitude she was presenting even in their current tough situation seemed foreign to Miki-- it was a sight she hadn't seen since her and Y/N were little girls, without a care in the world. 

"If you two idiots are done, I think we have more pressing matters on our hands. What's happening Tsukki?"

"Right, as I said Inarizaki is here. But, they only sent in a wave of small fries inside, we haven't come in contact with any of the main members or the Miya twins yet. They're either being smart and trying to tiring us out before we get to them or they're just toying with us."

Y/N nodded along to Tsukishima's words as she bent down and retrieved her daggers from the ground, along with Miki's dagger. Handing the weapon back to her sister, she silently nodded towards her before redirecting her gaze towards Kuroo and Tsukishima. 

"Either way, they're pissing me off already. Let's go help our friends out and kick some ass."

Before Y/N even had a chance at stepping forward, Kuroo grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her behind him. Y/N's look of protest was shot down immediately as Kuroo's concerned gaze met hers.

"Remember what you promised Chibi-chan. Now get behind me and let me protect your stubborn ass for once."

Reluctantly, Y/N nodded her head and began to follow Kuroo and Tsukishima as they took the lead. Y/N stopped in her tracks however as she felt Miki unmoving behind her. Y/N's eyes met her sisters, those blue eyes from her childhood trapping her. 

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