Chapter XXVI: Together We Are Strong

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Author's Note: I just wanted to take a second to thank you all for reading! The fact that my story has gotten over 8k views truly baffles me. Thank you so much for your continued support! It's thanks to you all that I keep writing! Please enjoy! :)

"To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead." (Miyamoto Musashi) 


"And where do you think you two are going?"

Daggers clashed as Tendo quickly intercepted Kuroo and Tsukishima who were attempting to run to Y/N's aid. The two men were stopped in their tracks as their daggers collided with Tendo's.

"I think you two better worry about yourselves before worrying about that annoying jaguar over there. I hate it when people underestimate me."

Jumping back to create distance between themselves and Tendo, Tsukishima and Kuroo exchanged glances with each other. Though the two may not get along, it was in that moment that they completely understood each other.

"I know you said you'd handle him yourself, but what do you say we team up and take this creep out together-- Tsukishima?"

Tsukishima chuckled to himself as he nodded his head towards the man whom he thought he would never agree with-- his golden brown eyes lit with a fire he has never felt before.

"If it's just this once, I guess I can team up with a cocky bastard like you. Just don't go thinking this means we're friends all of a sudden-- I still don't like you."

Kuroo let out a wild laugh as he took his position next to Tsukishima-- a dagger in his right hand and a pistol in his left.

"That's good-- cause neither do I."

As the two stood side by side to face their opponent head on, a wicked laugh escaped Tendo-- his red eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Awe how cute-- the two of you putting aside your differences in order to take me down? Now this is entertaining. Let's have some fun, shall we?"

In mere seconds, Tendo dashed towards Kuroo and Tsukishima with daggers raised. To Kuroo's surprise, Tendo easily dodged the bullets that came flying towards him. Just as Tendo got close enough to pounce on Kuroo, Tsukishima intercepted Tendo's blade with his own. 

"I see you're actually planning to fight back this time four-eyes... Good-- give it your all so I can crush you-- so that you can see how truly powerless you are!"

At a speed that rivaled Y/N, Tendo sent a flurry of attacks towards Tsukishima. Kuroo watched in amazement as they parried each other's attacks away-- their mere speed being something an ordinary person would tremble at. Using the opportunity Tsukishima had created, Kuroo skillfully fired his gun-- the bullet flying past Tsukishima and grazing Tendo in the side.

"Hey watch where you're firing that damn thing!"

Kuroo snickered as he watched Tendo grit his teeth in pain and stumble backwards in shock, giving Tsukishima an opening to land a solid kick sending Tendo's body flying backwards. 

"I didn't miss now did I? Stop complaining and let's finish this asshole." 

As Kuroo and Tsukishima made their way towards Tendo, Tsukishima's heart dropped as an evil smirk spread across Tendo's face. As if it happened in slow motion, Tsukishima watched as Tendo reached in his suit jacket and pulled out three small throwing knives in each hand. Before Kuroo had time to react, Tsukishima pulled him back by his collar, throwing his body behind him and protecting him with his own. Even though he managed to parry two of them away, Tsukishima's body still throbbed in pain as the daggers found their mark-- one in each shoulder and the other two in his right thigh. 

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