Chapter XIV: Scars

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"I wanted to forget the past, but it refused to forget me; it waited for sleep, then cornered me." (Margaret Atwood)

"Stop--please. I don't want--NOOO!"

Y/N shot up out of bed, her body drenched in sweat as that same nightmare that has haunted her for 14 years replayed in her mind. She looked around the room to find Kuroo had left yet again before she had woken up.

He knows the nightmare only stays away when he's in bed with me--what a jerk.

As Y/N got out of bed, her body stung with pain. Looking in the mirror she saw her body was covered in a constellation of blue and black hickeys caused by Kuroo's roughness the night before. Running her hand over them, she tsk'd in annoyance at the slight pain that shot through her body--reminding herself that she'll have to get her revenge next time they had sex. Her thoughts were interrupted as Kuroo entered the room, his eyes wandering all over her body.

"Damn I'm sorry Chibi-chan. I guess I got a bit carried away last night."

As he approached Y/N, she suddenly turned around and seductively ran her hand down the front of his body.

"Don't worry, I'll get my revenge soon enough." she taunted as she walked past a breathless Kuroo and began to get ready for the day.

Kuroo grinned as he turned around to stop Y/N in her tracks when the wet bed-sheets caught his eye.  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug, his head resting on top of her's.

"I'm sorry--I thought you could use some more sleep....did it happen again?"

Y/N turned around and gave Kuroo a quick reassuring peck on the lips before returning to getting dressed.

"It's alright. After 14 years I'm used to it by now--can we not talk about it?"

Kuroo noticed the slight shakiness in Y/N's voice but chose to ignore it as he made his way towards the door. He knew that Y/N preferred to forget about that nightmare and that talking about it never ended well. 

"Okay--I'll see you downstairs. Karasuno just got here so try and be quick. Akaashi should be here soon too."

As Kuroo left the room, Y/N couldn't help herself as her thoughts went directly towards the tall blonde that was probably waiting downstairs. She shook her head and quickly got ready, making sure that none of Kuroo's marks were visible. 

Yamamoto would definitely make fun of me for sure. And I rather Tsukki not see--

She shook her head once more trying to rid the thoughts of the blonde from her mind. After gearing up, she made her way downstairs and was met with a loud commotion coming from the living room. 

"Wow you're so tall! And you're half Japanese too? That's so cool!"

The first thing Y/N noticed upon entering the living room was an animated Hinata talking to a somewhat bashful, but excited Lev.

"Thank you! You're the little guy in that freak sniper duo right? I've heard you're amazing!"

She shook her head in amusement as Hinata and Lev continued to have an animated conversation, Kenma even joining in here and there. Y/N continued to look around the room and found everyone conversing with each other. Yaku, Sugawara, and Asahi were talking--Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Yamamoto were arguing over Kiyoko who seemed to not care less about the boys--Daichi and Kuroo were in deep conversation and Kageyama was leaning in a corner, his eyes trained on her as soon as she entered the room. 

As she stared back into his cold eyes she felt another pair of eyes drilling a hole in the side of her skull. She was met with the eyes of Tsukishima as he ignored what Yamaguchi was trying to say--his eyes calmly observing her. Her eyes stared back at his, ignoring Kageyama's pissed off glare that she could still see from the corner of her eye. Yamaguchi noticed the tension between them as he tugged on Tsukishima's sleeve.

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