Chapter XXX: The Truth Hurts

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"Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy." (Warren Wiersbe) 

Two lines....

Y/N sat on the floor of the bathroom with the door locked. Her hands trembled as she looked at the pregnancy test she was holding. Two lines-- Kiyoko was right...she was pregnant. Throwing the stick across the bathroom, Y/N put her head in her hands. Her body racked silently with sobs, the shock of reality causing her to break down.

"Pregnant...out of all times why now. I'm so fucking stupid!"

Y/N struggled to calm her breathing as she began hyperventilating, the thoughts in her mind going wild.

What the fuck am I going to do. My sister needs me-- I can't do this right now. And Kuroo...if I tell him there is no way he's letting me go-- I'll be forced to stay behind. And Tsukki, what will he--

Y/N's thoughts were interrupted as she heard voices outside the door, the aggressive whispering causing her panic attack to stop. As she focused on the voices outside the door it was as if whoever was watching her from above was playing a cruel trick-- the sound of Tsukishima and Kiyoko arguing causing her to rapidly stand up and fix her appearance. Suddenly the door knob started jiggling-- a concerned Tsukishima hastily banging on the door.

"Y/N open up! I know something is wrong-- let me help you."

Y/N panicked as she realized what was coming next. Her eyes darted across the bathroom to the positive pregnancy test that was on the ground. Hurriedly, she made her way over to it, but was not quick enough as Tsukishima quickly picked the lock. Just as she had picked up the test, Tsukishima stormed in the bathroom, his eyes immediately finding the stick in her hands.

"Kiyoko-- I'll handle this from here. I got to talk to Y/N...alone."

Kiyoko's apologetic gaze met Y/N's before she silently nodded her head and made her way out of the bathroom, quickly closing the door behind her. 

"Tsukki I swear I can--"

"I can't believe how fucking irresponsible you two are! How could you be so careless!?"

Tsukishima quickly closed the distance between himself and Y/N-- his mouth mere inches from hers as he pushed her up against the wall, his harsh whispering igniting an anger within Y/N.

"I'm sorry-- is this even an issue you should be concerned with!? Just cause I let you in, you think you have a say in my personal life? Have an opinion? Fuck off Tsukishima, this doesn't concern you."

"Doesn't concern me? You realize this concerns everyone who just agreed to travel all the way to save your sister-- to fight fucking Inarizaki right!? If your stubborn ass still plans on coming, your comrades and your friends deserve to know-- Kuroo needs to know."

Y/N laughed quietly as her cold eyes didn't back down from Tsukishima's pissed off gaze. Pushing his chest, Y/N advanced towards Tsukishima, keeping the close proximity between them. 

"Don't you dare tell me what I should or what I shouldn't do. And don't you dare bring Kuroo into this right now-- like you care about him. What happened to you kissing me...what happened to your feelings huh!? You of all people don't get to tell me how to deal with this. This is a matter between Kuroo and myself--you have no place in this."

Tsukishima didn't let Y/N's harsh words get to him. He knew she was frightened, terrified--backed into a corner. Her words were meant to hurt him, to push him away--but he wouldn't let them. 

"You're right...maybe it's not my right to say this, but someone has to. And my feelings? They haven't left--they're still there. I can't help who I fall in love with--and that person is you. Out of all people I had to fall in love with your stubborn ass, but I can't help it. I want the best for you--and that's to tell everyone, to tell Kuroo...don't ignore this and take care of yourself for once god dammit! Kuroo can take care of you-- he can help you in ways I can't. He can love you, your child-- he deserves to know more than anyone."

Y/N's eyes widened at Tsukishima's words. He has just confessed his feelings, but he also was pushing her away--pushing her towards Kuroo. He was putting her before himself and she realized this, but his sudden confession just made her more confused-- her emotions running wild inside her head. Y/N's hands dropped to her side in exhaustion, her right hand still gripping the pregnancy test. 

"Tsukki I--"

Y/N was cut off as her face was buried in Tsukishima's chest, his arms wrapping around her firmly and his chin resting on top of her head. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Tsukishima broke the hug and his steady gaze met hers. 

"Before we leave today tell Kuroo-- or I will."

Tsukishima's eyes lingered on Y/N's for a few more moments before he turned around and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Y/N pressed her back against the wall and slowly sank to the floor, her head immediately seeking refuge in her hands.

She sat in the bathroom alone for what seemed like hours, Tsukishima's words haunting her as she thought about what she had to do-- what must be done.


Emerging from the bathroom, Y/N could hear the voices of her friends and allies coming from the other room. Taking a few deep breaths, she stuck the pregnancy test in her pocket and attempted to calm herself down before entering the room. Upon entering the room she could feel the gazes of Kiyoko and Tsukishima watching her closely. Refusing to meet their gaze, she walked silently into the room and gathered her weapons beginning to suit up for their next venture. 

"Alright is everyone almost ready? We got a pretty long journey to the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters and the quicker we get there the better."

Yaku, Lev, Akaashi, Iwaizumi, Daichi, Kageyama, and Hinata nodded at Kuroo's words. Their gazes were serious and concentrated as they prepared to head out. Y/N nodded her head silently at Kuroo with her fists clenched at her sides-- the rampant thoughts in her mind running wildly throughout her head. As the newly formed team for this mission began to head out the door, Tsukishima's deep voice stopped them, all eyes turning towards him.

"Actually Kuroo there's something that--"

"There's something I need to talk to you about...alone."

Kuroo's attention immediately snapped towards Y/N as she cut Tsukishima off. Tsukishima smiled slightly at Y/N as she avoided his gaze and directed it to Kuroo instead.

Sometimes love means letting go, even when you want to hold that person tighter. I know this is right, but why does it have to hurt so bad, huh Suga?

Tsukishima, Kiyoko, and everyone else watched as Y/N silently led Kuroo into the hall. Everyone looked confused as to what was happening so Tsukishima took a step forward, his voice echoing throughout the room.

"Let's go get the cars ready, they'll join us when they're done."


"Chibi-chan I know I'm irresistible, but now isn't the time to be playing hookie--"


Kuroo's playful mood suddenly changed as he looked down at Y/N's hands, a small white stick was laid in her palms, the two red lines causing Kuroo's breath to hitch in his throat, his eyes wide.

"Kuroo-- I'm pregnant." 

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