Chapter X: Teammates

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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." (Helen Keller)

Entering Karasuno's headquarters was like the equivalent to stumbling in the middle of a pack of wild animals. Y/N could feel the air thicken as Karasuno's members watched them, their hands lightly resting on their weapons. Y/N felt another pair of intense eyes gaze onto her as she looked to her left to see the talented blue-eyed sniper Kageyama watching her every move. Next to Kageyama was the second part of the freak duo Hinata, who broke the tension in the room with a smile as his gaze landed on Nekoma's talented hacker.

"Hey, it's Kenma!" Hinata ran past Y/N and Kuroo, not paying them any attention as he stopped in front of Kenma and put a hand on his shoulders.

"Oh, hey Shoyo. How've you been?"

Hinata animatedly talked to Kenma , once again ignoring the mood of the situation. Before Daichi had the chance to scold him, two more of Karasuno's members quickly made their way to Yamamoto, blocking his sight of view. 

"Stop staring at our beautiful Kiyoko you little punk." 

"EHHH!? Who ya calling a punk baldy?"

Karasuno's Nishinoya and Tanaka continued to argue with Yamamoto as they also seemed to ignore the tension that had built up in the room. Karasuno's reliable sharp shooter Asahi approached the three idiots, trying to calm them down. Yaku had even struck up a friendly conversation with Sugawara, them both surprisingly getting along due to how similar their personalities are.  Y/N watched in amusement as the whole room broke into loud and animated conversations. As the loud and animated conversations continued to carry on, Y/N felt Kuroo's body shake with laughter--his laughter immediately ending all conversations in the room.

"Oh you crows, wild as ever I see. As entertaining as this is, I think we all have some things to discuss."

Daichi nodded at Kuroo's words as he motioned for everybody to take a seat around the crowded living room. As everyone began to sit down, Y/N looked back to see Tsukishima leaning in the doorway, his cautious gaze trained on her. She playfully stuck her tongue out at him once more, causing him to have an annoyed and somewhat flustered expression on his face. The sound of Kuroo's deep voice next to her caused her to turn around--her playful gaze breaking away from Tsukishima's cautious one.

"So as we are all now aware, Shiratorizawa and Seijoh have teamed up and have begun taking out the competition. However, something strikes me as odd. Oikawa has always hated Ushijima's guts and has refused to work with him. So why now? My guess is that Oikawa has something up his sleeve."

"I agree. It's hard to believe that Oikawa would ever team up with Ushijima. That bastard is sly and cunning. Since Seijoh acts primarily as a research facility, it's hard to believe that Oikawa would get him and his men involved in combat unless necessary." 

All eyes landed on Kageyama as he shared his thoughts. Y/N has heard of Oikawa and Kageyama's rivalry. The two went to the same college together and had always butted heads in everything they did since they were so competitive with each other. The rumor is that Kageyama joined Karasuno after hearing that Oikawa had started Seijoh.

"I agree with both of you. The problem is though, how are we gonna find out what Oikawa is actually planning? It's not like we can waltz right into Sejoh's lab and ask him." Daichi commented as he met Kuroo's gaze.

"That's when the brain of Nekoma comes into play. Seijoh may be high tech, but our Kenma can break through any security. Isn't that right?" Kuroo placed his hand on Kenma's shoulder causing Kenma to look up from his phone.

"Leave it to me." Kenma commented quietly before returning back to the game on his phone. 

"So we disable their security, then what? I'm pretty sure Oikawa has guards set up everywhere--it'll be hard to even get near him." Sugawara mentioned as he questioned Kuroo's plan.

"That's easy. All we need is a distraction and then a small team to sneak in and approach Oikawa. I think these loud mouths could definitely buy the recon team some time." Kuroo gestured at Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Yamamoto who were all still locked in an intense staring contest. 

"I think they can definitely buy some time." Sugawara laughed in agreement as Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Yamamoto simultaneously began arguing how they aren't loud mouths. 

Daichi cut off their bickering with a stern look before addressing Kuroo once more.

"And for the recon team? It needs to be a small group that can quietly make their way to Oikawa as well as be able to hold a conversation with the sly bastard. Plus if anything goes wrong, they need to be able to handle themselves until backup arrives."

Y/N felt Kuroo sling his arm around her as he used his other hand to point behind him at the tall blonde figure leaning in the doorway.

"I think Nekoma's Jaguar and Mr. Four-eyes over there should suffice. They're both quick, smart, and talented in close hand combat if worse comes to worse. My Chibi-chan here is good with words so I think she could handle a conversation with the great king."

Y/N's eyes lit with excitement at the thought of meeting face to face with Oikawa. She had heard rumors that his eyes seep deep into your soul and that he can figure a person out with a single glance. He hasn't met Y/N yet however and the thought of her beating Oikawa at his own game excited her. Meanwhile, Tsukishima's eyes portrayed nothing as he leaned in the doorway--a sigh of annoyance escaping his lips. 

"What about me? I wanna do something!" Hinata raised his hand excitedly as Kageyama shushed him in annoyance.

"I would never forget about that freak duo of yours. You two will be positioned on the top of the nearest building. We aren't looking for a fight until we know what Oikawa is up to, but if worse comes to worse, I want you two to take out as many of Seijoh's members as possible. The rest of us will be waiting nearby as backup in case things go wrong. Is this an acceptable plan, Daichi?"

"I gotta admit, I like the way you think Kuroo. Meet us here at noon tomorrow. We'll all move out together from here since our base is closer to Seijoh." Daichi's gaze skimmed over everyone as he continued. "We may be rivals, but together--we are damn strong. Let's go see what the great king is up to, shall we?"

A series of hell yeah's and yes sir's echoed throughout the room at Daichi's words. Kuroo made his way over to Daichi and shook his hand while everyone else quickly picked up their animated conversations from where they had left off. As Y/N looked in amusement around the room, she could feel a pair of eyes drilling into the back of her head.

"Tsukki stop, it's not nice to stare like that." Y/N overheard one of Karasuno's members say. She turned around and was immediately locked in the tall blonde's gaze, his friend looking worriedly between the two as the tension rose. 

"Shut up Yamaguchi--mind your own business." Tsukishima murmured as he confidently made his way towards Y/N, never breaking eye contact. 

"Just don't get in my way and we'll be fine, got it shorty?" 

"First of all, I'm not short, you're just a giant." Y/N scoffed. Then she quickly closed the gap between them, her mouth hovering over his ear. 

"And second of all, we're gonna be teammates tomorrow so why don't we act like it, okay Tsukki?" 

Y/N stepped back to meet Tsukishima's gaze once more, her eyes lighting up with amusement as she noticed the pissed off look on his face. She then stuck her tongue out at him playfully once more before heading over to where Kuroo and Daichi were discussing the plans for the mission tomorrow. 

Tsukishima watched as Y/N made her way over to the group, giving Kuroo a quick peck on the cheek before joining in the conversation. The act of affection annoyed him more than he thought it would as he tsk'd in annoyance and turned around--walking away from the noisy room and heading outside so he could be alone. He breathed in the cold night air and attempted to relax--but as soon as he closed his eyes, he was met with the image of those piercing blue eyes staring back at him once again.

Nekoma's jaguar huh? More like Nekoma's pain in my ass. 

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