Chapter XXI: Calm Before the Storm

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"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."  (Dwight D. Eisenhower) 

For the first time in a few days, Y/N awoke peacefully-- her usual nightmare staying at bay due to the warmth of Kuroo's body still pressed firmly against her. Since Kuroo normally wakes up before her, Y/N took the moment to observe him-- his messy black hair sticking up in all directions. As she ran her fingers through his hair a soft groan left his lips--his arms tightening around her as if he was afraid she would disappear. 

"I'll always be here-- for better or for worse, my Chibi-chan."

Memories from the previous night replayed in Y/N's head as she laid there. Kuroo's worried eyes had never left hers as he comforted her. He had asked not a single question as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead--his arms never leaving her as she slowly drifted off to sleep, exhaustion taking over her body.

Without disturbing him, Y/N slowly shifted out of Kuroo's embrace and made her way to the bathroom that was included in their "guest suite". Immediately, she turned the shower on, her muscles relaxing as the hot water ran down her body. Closing her eyes, Y/N's mind wandered as images of that tall blonde popped into her head, 

"You love him? Then why are you here-- in my arms. Why does your body respond so easily to my touch, as if it's begging for more?"

Y/N turned up the heat of the water, welcoming the slight sting it brought as it cascaded down her body. Mustering all her strength, Y/N slapped both of her hands to her face-- her wound from the arrow throbbing in pain at the force.

"All right-- enough of that. The sooner we finish off Shiratorizawa, the sooner me and that snarky ass can go back to being enemies."

Stepping out of the shower, Y/N faced the mirror-- her reflection staring right back at her. Fresh blood ran down her cheek, the sight of it igniting the excitement that welled up inside of her as she thought about her next target.

"Ushijima--you're next."


"Hey hey hey!!! Is everyone here?"

Bokuto's voice echoed through the room commanding everyone's attention. All members of Fukurodani, Karasuno, and Nekoma had been gathered together after everyone woke up and got suited up in their gear. Y/N stood towards the front of the crowd, Kuroo's arm wrapped protectively around her waist. She could feel Tsukishima's eyes burning holes into the back of her head, but she ignored him as her attention focused on Bokuto.

"As mentioned yesterday, the plan is to wait for Shiratorizawa to come to us-- but that doesn't mean that we will just be sitting around waiting for an ambush. Kuroo, Daichi, and I have talked together and we made up a plan for our counterattack."

Daichi and Kuroo made their way to the front of the room to stand on either side of Bokuto. The three mafia bosses had a commanding presence that made everybody in the room give them their full attention. Daichi took a step forward, his commanding voice filling the room.

"As we all know, Shiratorizawa not only has strength in numbers, but each member is also highly skilled and powerful when it comes to combat. Our best chance against them is to team up into small groups when taking their main members head on. Since Fukurodani's headquarters are big, we'll have teams set up around the complex. Everyone will have an earpiece so that we can communicate easily and warn others when Shiratorizawa attacks."

As Daichi began to hand out the earpieces, Kuroo took a step forward, his deep voice beginning to list off teams and their placements.

"Kenma and Kiyoko, you two are going to be our eyes and ears. Akaashi will show you to Fukurodani's security room after this and you will have full access to everything. The moment you see anything suspicious you must alert everyone."

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