Chapter 11 (Powers)

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Author's POV

RM: Well we are the other half of the rainbow. *The girls eyes glistened with shock*
Blackrose: REALLY?!?!
Jin: Yup. Legends says that the two ends of the rainbow is two sets of friends a group of girls and a group of boys that is destined to meet and stay with each other they can be best friends they can get married or what ever as long as they're together.
Jennie: We've heard about that legend and guess what?
BTS: What?
Rosé: The legend is true.
Jisoo: And the destiny is finally being fulfilled.
Jungkook: What do you mean noona?
Aliyah: Jungkook we're siblings and you belonged in the group of the other end of a rainbow what do you expect me to be? And there are seven of us?
Jimin: Wait... So you're saying you're our other end?
Irene: Exactly.
J-Hope: Does the destiny says anything about their mates color?
Seulgi: No, it doesn't.
Lisa: Unnies, Oppas stop asking each other questions I really want to know what color's who? *we all nodded*

Aliyah: I'm red the future Queen of Light. My main power or mastered ability is about fire I'm also an avatar. I can or supposed to control fire, earth, water, ice and air. I have every kind of power in the universe but obviously can't control some I especially can't control ice and water. Anyways I have a dragon I call him Fire Storm. We can all read minds I can heal spells but I have no idea what I can heal and what I can't.
Irene: I'm orange. I'm the future Queen of Land. I can control rocks, sands everything. Even a well built house anything that's made of the ground I make mountains as a hobby. I have a dragon as well so yeah. I can also heal but not much depends on the spell.
Jisoo: I'm green. I'm the future Queen of nature. I can grow plants, read minds heal almost every spell but I can't heal the really strong one's. I'm very close to animals I'm also a shape shifter and I can talk to animals. I also have a dragon. I'm also part fairy
Rosé: Blue. Water. I control it. Make wings with it, read minds. I can also breath underwater as I am part mermaid. Yes I have a tail but only when I'm in the water and when I want to have it. I also have a dragon.
Seulgi: I'm yellow. I am the future Queen of the sun. I can make light to blind you or to just wake someone up but most definitely not Aliyah she gets cranky when she doesn't have complete 10 hours of sleep sometimes even more. Anyways I can make a light so bright to make my enemy stunned or just straight up blind them. I can read minds and heal people but not that much. I have the power of illusion.
Lisa: I'm violet. I'm the future Queen of the moon. I'm supposed to make the moon rise I'm also part ware wolf. My mom is the one making the moon rise when I finally can and yes I continue to make it rise even if I'm asleep. I can breath without oxygen meaning I can live in the outer space. I can heal but not that strong. I can read minds. And I also have a Dragon.
Jennie: I'm indigo. I'm the future Queen of lighting. I can make lightning bolts lighting snakes basically everything but made of lighting. I can move as fast as lighting. I have a dragon. I can heal but not strong spells. We can all heal our selves but only for physical pain we can't heal ourselves if it's a spell. I can also teleport.
RM: I'm orange. I have almost the exact powers as Irene. I'm the future King of the Earth's surface. I control earth or land I can control the earth's surface I can create mountains and volcanoes. I can heal others but for only the non strong spells. I can read minds we all can. I can also make guardians out of rocks and an armor of rocks. I also have a dragon. And I love her. *the girls smiled hearing that he loves his dragon* and I'm also the God of Destruction I can destroy anything I touch literally and I usually hurt myself. *They all laughed*
Jin: I'm green. I think I have the exact same powers as Jisoo. I am the future King of the Animals. I can heal anyone but it depends on the spell. I can grow plants, read minds, I'm also a sorcerer I usually make some potions with my self grown plants. I also have a dragon and he's very loving. I'm also the Prince of handsomeness. Our only difference *gesture to Jisoo* is I can't shape shift I think or maybe I just don't know how yet I'm not really sure *He said while smiling proudly the boys just didn't care as they were used to it but the girls just smiled at him*
Jisoo: I'm also a sorceress how do you make your potions? Just with natural ingredients?
Jin: I have a pot of healthy soil next to me and just grow the plant I'm going to need then remove that plant and add it to my compost pit and make my soil more healthy. *she nodded*
Yoongi: Blue. Ice. It's pretty self explanatory.
Jin: Yoongi explain it better.
Yoongi: *sigh* Fine... My color is blue I control ice and snow making water out of snow but I can't control water unless I freeze it first. I also have a dragon.
Irene: *whisper to Rosé* I think you guys can somehow combine your abilities. *and Rosé just nodded*
J-Hope: I'm yellow. I have almost the same powers as Seulgi I'm your sunshine. Through me I can make a bright blinding light making my enemy get stunned. I'm also a vampire. I know crazy right? I also have a dragon and the sun is my main source of energy.
Jungkook: I'm purple or violet if you may prefer. I'm the future god of music Prince of Light too. I can put a spell on someone just by singing to them I can make them fall asleep feel pain and more just by singing but I choose the people to spell meaning that I don't spell everyone around me. I also have a dragon. I can read minds and out of all of us I have the strongest healing ability. I can heal all kinds of spell except for the black spell as you noona *points to Aliyah* can only heal that spell.
Taehyung: I'm indigo. I am the future King of Technology. I can control every type of electronics. I'm an archer. I have a dragon. I'm a great hacker and lover. *He said and looked at Jennie making her blush*
Jimin: I'm red. The future King of Fire. I can make everything but it's made out of fire. I have a Dragon. I'm also an air bender. I can heal. And read minds just like you girls we can also heal ourselves only for physical pain we can heal but it depends how big the wound and how much blood we lost. We can't heal ourselves when it comes to spell. I'm also the Prince of Love I match the people for the right person for them but when a person falls in love with the wrong person it's not my fault it's theirs for falling at the wrong time and people it's their own stupidity.
All except Jimin: We get it.
Jin: If you're our supposed to be matchmaker why didn't you just tell us that our exes are not for us why'd you let us get hurt?
Jimin: Because being hurt is a part of love at first the love exist but some fades when their tired of it.
Jungkook: Wait hyung. If you're the Prince of Love why or how did you get yourself hurt?
Jimin: Jungkook to be honest I also don't know the answer to that. But one thing's for sure when love comes it won't fade even if it's one sided love. BUT when you finally meet your soulmate poof it's like something smacked you it will hit you hard and you will fall in a deep hole that you never want to get out of

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