Ch. 35

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(A/N: in this part they go on their midnight date hehe next year part they all (except nana and the kids) get tattoos)

No time Skip (resumes right to where the last chapter left off)

Cheryl's POV

The pierogis that TT made smelt AMAZING, oh my god. I saw her adorable wink and smile as she pointed to her lap, indicating that she wanted me to sit on her for some cuddles. I happily obliged, sitting on her lap and cuddling into her. She fed me a pierogi and I fed her one. We continued like that for a bit until they were gone, then Toni picked me up off her lap for a bit to get us some drinks. She got some wine out and gave us each a glass, but put on a pot of coffee because she knew I'm not the best when it comes to alcohol and can sometimes be a bit of a lightweight, and she cares for me. "A toast: to my lovely girlfriend, our three beautiful babies that we were blessed with, my amazing grandma who is my only alive relative to treat me with love and respect, and to the two crackheads in the bedroom next door who I love as if they were my own brothers." I said, making Toni laugh and smile. "Wait babe let me do my toast too, ready? Ok. To Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, the love of my life. My sun, my moon, and my stars. The wind beneath my wings, and the person who keeps me going when I feel there isn't a reason to. Without you I wouldn't have a family. Yeah I'd have fangs, sweet pea and them but it wouldn't truly count. Without you I wouldn't have such a nice home life, three amazing kids and an amazing hopefully future grandma in law. I wouldn't have so many memories that I hold so near and dear to my heart. You have given me a life that I wanna keep forever. Also, I want you. Just you. I would happily spend the rest of my life starving in a dark, dirty underpass as long as it meant I could be with you. I don't know what it is that I did to deserve you, but I promise to do my best to make you happy and never ever let you go."

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