The Fellowship Of The Ring

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4. The Fellowship of the Ring

After Arwen's announcement, everyone in the council fell silent. She could feel the hesitation of most, not believing her ability to go through with this mission. She met her father's gaze strongly, his mouth hung open slightly as he watched her in disbelief. He shook his gracious head slowly in a silent plea.

"I will not let my daughter leave on such a dangerous mission," said Elrond.

"It is my decision, Ada," Arwen replied.

"I mean you no disrespect, milady," said Boromir and Arwen turned to watch him. "But women should not concern themselves with war and strife such as this, this is a task unfit for any woman. Not just you."

The hobbits all exchanged glances, they all felt for the elven maiden who had become their friend this last week.

"Why shouldn't she come?" asked Pippin.

"She is a woman!" Boromir repeated.

"And besides that? What other reason is there for not allowing her to come?" asked Merry, none seemed to be able to come up with an answer.

Arwen let her eyes travel to Aragorn's, he watched her with an unreadable look. She could not tell how he felt about her decision and it unsettled her heart.

"I am going," Arwen repeated and walked over to stand next to Gandalf.

"The lady Undómiel is more than capable of coming along, lord Elrond," said Gandalf and winked conspicuously down at her. She smiled at her friend, thankful for the support. "After all, she did face all nine wraiths and survived."

"I do not doubt her skills in battle, Gandalf," Elrond agreed. "But I am unwilling to send my daughter into any risk unnecessary to her."

"We are nine who can protect the Lady Undómiel from those risks, master Elrond," Legolas promised and bowed his head.

Elrond sighed and then looked at his daughter. "Is this your wish?…Then so be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring."

"Great," Pippin said with a wide smile. "Where are we going?"


The rest of the day the ten companions all prepared for their journey, as they were set to leave at break of dawn the following morning. It was not a lot of time to mentally prepare, but enough to make the necessary preparations in body.

A few hours after the council had ended, while the sun was still high in the sky, Elrond found his daughter in one of his libraries. When she heard her father's footsteps, she looked up from the book she was reading.

"If you wish to change my mind it is too late," she said.

"Is there nothing at all I can say to make you see reason?" Elrond asked and sat down on a chair next to her. "Nothing to make you stay with your father and the elves, your people?"

"Father…" Arwen said wearily.

"The time of the elves is over, Arwen. You should go with the rest of our kin to the Undying Lands; you should go to your mother there. If you stay here you may never see her again."

"I do wish to be with her again…" Arwen admitted and opened her mouth to continue but her father placed his hand on her shoulder and interrupted her.

"Then go to her and be safe and content," Elrond pleaded. "Do not stay here for torment and death."

"Oh, Ada," Arwen smiled sadly, "Is this your fear? That I will suffer the same fate as mother? What happened to her will not happen to me... But I do miss her. More than I can put into words."

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