The Start Of The Journey

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5. The Start of the Journey

The fellowship travelled over far-stretched terrain, over plains and hills. Gandalf led their way, for he knew more of the dangers ahead than the others. Aragorn, who had lived his life as a ranger and travelled these lands several times gave Gandalf advice whenever the wizard asked for it. But more often he remained at the very end of their trail, keeping an ever-watchful eye for danger. Their speed was slower than normal to accommodate for the smaller strides of the hobbits, but they had no trouble keeping up with the others. Still the journey was tiresome and their shorts legs were weary.

By day the fellowship walked and by night they all slept. It was especially at night that they keep a watchful eye out for danger, for none trusted the dark shadows that lingered over the moonlit landscapes.

They also stopped twice a day to eat, and it was at one of these stops that Gandalf informed them; "We must hold this course West of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns East, to Mordor."

After his statement everyone fell silent, looks passed between them and heavy was their unease. They had been on the road for a week now, and so far everything had been easy, however they knew things would not stay like that for much longer. But not all let themselves be downcast, for these stops were also their only chance to get to know each other better and practice their skills before a real fight.

Boromir, who sat closest to their small bonfire, sharpened his long sword as Merry and Pippin looked on in wonder. The man looked up at the hobbits and asked with a friendly voice, "Master hobbits, how fare your skills in battle? If we are all to survive it is of great importance that we all know how to defend ourselves."

Merry and Pippin shrugged innocently while Frodo and Sam exchanged a quick glance.

"It could use some improvement, I suppose," Sam admitted and turned back to Boromir.

"Then up!" said Boromir as he brushed dust from his pants and stood from the ground. His sword lay in his hand as he smiled down at the Halflings. "Let me teach you."

The man then turned to the elf and man who were seated on the ground further away, "Legolas, Aragorn, will you give me a hand?"

Aragorn, who was smoking his pipe, swiftly extinguished it and rose to his feet. "Aye, I will help."

He pulled his sword from its sheath and nodded to Boromir. Boromir then turned to Arwen, who sat with a far off look on her face, and asked; "And what of you, milady? Would you care to practice your skills with a blade?"

She nodded and moved to stand beside the hobbits as Boromir started by demonstrating a few simple defense moves. As he did, Arwen felt Aragorn's eyes on her, but she kept her gaze on the other man's lesson.

This past week Arwen and Aragorn had spoken few words in private and in secrecy it pained them both. Arwen still felt wounded by his words in Rivendell, the very thought of him being able to discard their love hurt more than she had cared to admit. Deep in her heart she knew Aragorn had always held insecurities and knew this had more to do with his throne than the two of them. She could sense that his feelings for her were alike her own for him, as was the pain and sadness inflicted upon their relationship. The Evenstar pendant still hung around his neck, and she knew it was an expression of his love and a silent plea for forgiveness.

Boromir called her name and she was drawn from her thoughts. She turned to him and he repeated his question, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, milord," Arwen answered, "I am ready to practice."

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