Farewell to Lothlórien

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10. Farewell to Lothlórien

"Boromir!" Aragorn called as the other man rose from his bed among the trees.

The Gondorian turned around as he rubbed the last remains of sleep from his tired eyes. The sun shimmered over the elven realm and cast a warm light over the ranger who stood further away. Aragorn walked closer to him with a smile on his face and his grey tunic swayed in a gentle morning breeze. He placed a friendly hand on Boromir's shoulder and the Gondorian looked down at it in confusion. He couldn't help but wonder what had brought the man into such a good mood this morning.

"The other night you and I talked," Aragorn began and waited 'til Boromir's tired eyes looked at his. "You talked of the White City and asked me to one day go there with you. My reply was far from affirmative last night."

"Yes," Boromir nodded and yawned into his palm before continuing, "I remember. You said you would not set foot in my city if you could avoid it..."

"I have other news for you this morning, son of Gondor," Aragorn smiled yet again. He paused a second to ponder over his decision in his head and then nodded. For some reason, the words that followed felt right to his mind, "I will ride into Minas Tirith with you one day."

Boromir felt his tired feelings evaporate into the air as his mind was instead filled with new amazement. He laughed and brotherly placed his own hand on top of the ranger's shoulder. "That pleases me greatly to hear, Aragorn. You will be most welcome. Nevertheless, I cannot help to wonder what it was that made you change your mind?"

Aragorn merely smiled and nodded his head cryptically before turning around. In truth, the ranger had been up most of the night thinking about it. He and Arwen had talked long about their own future as well as the choice that lay before the ranger. The elf's wisdom had helped shine some light upon his worries, but a decision was still far away on the horizon. Even after they had parted ways, Aragorn had pondered what lay ahead. Words spoken by both Elrond and Gandalf had replayed in his head and at last the ranger had decided to at least enter the White City of his forefathers.

Aragorn now walked over to the branch he had leaned against before, picked up his sword from the ground and started sharpening it. Boromir watched the ranger with a mixture of disbelief and amusement upon realizing that no answers would be forthcoming.

"You conceal many secrets, Aragorn, son of Arathorn. The ranger I first deemed you as is emerging as a promising leader," The Gondorian said and the ranger glanced up at him. "Who knows, perhaps one day you will even take the throne."

"Let us not get ahead of ourselves," Aragorn said with a pointed glare. "First, we must finish our quest and destroy the One Ring. Then we shall see what the future holds for any of us."

"Your words are wise," Boromir nodded. "Irregardless of the reasons behind your choice, I feel in my heart it is the right one for us both. I cannot wait to introduce my younger brother, Faramir, to you. I am sure you will get along better than you and I have."

"I will be honored to one day meet him."

Boromir smiled and looked around. He suddenly realized that the two men were all alone in the fellowship's small clearing between the trees. "Did I wake up late?"

Aragorn shook his head as he checked to see if his sword was sharpened enough. "It is still early. Legolas walked off in the first rays of morning, accompanied by Gimli."

"Gimli?" Boromir asked. "I did not know the two of them had formed a friendship, other than their bickering."

"Neither did I, though I had my suspicions," said Aragorn. "Arwen took the hobbits for a stroll not long before you woke up. They should be back by midday."

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