Breaking Of The Fellowship

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12. Breaking of the Fellowship

Sam walked on swift feet through the woods in Arwen's company. His heart beat like the thunderous hooves of horses as fear gripped his throat. He wasn't stupid, he knew of the dangers that were lurking in these lands. The closer they moved to Mordor, the bigger the risk and danger grew each second. Of course,the danger was greater still because of the trinket which hung in a chain around Frodo's neck. Sauron and his minions desired it in their grasp once more and therefor Frodo was in the most peril of them all. That he had decided to wander off alone into the woods was close to madness, and there was no excuse for it in Sam's book.

"Do not worry, Samwise," Arwen said next to him in a vane attempt to cheer him up.

"I cannot not worry," Sam confessed and quickened his steps. Not two steps later, he tripped on a branch but managed to steady himself. He stumbled onward. "Not for as long as Frodo is out here alone."

"I'm sure he is safe," Arwen said and this time the hobbit realized she was attempting to reassure herself as much as him.

He glanced up at the tall maiden. "There is something you're not telling me..."

The elf turned to Sam and looked surprised he had guessed the truth but nodded and truthfully told him, "You have guessed the truth, Sam. I do not know if Frodo is safe, the very fact that I could not sense him worries me. I'm sure, though, that Boromir didn't harm him…"

"Boromir?" Sam asked quickly and frowned up at her. "Is he dangerous?"

"Not intentionally," Arwen shook her head. "But he is unbalanced. The Ring has taken a hold of him and is affecting his thoughts and actions. He wishes what is best for all of us, but he now sees the world through clouded eyes. …I would not trust his judgment concerning the Ring."

"Why not?" asked the blond hobbit. "What has he said to you?"

"You heard him too; he wishes to take the Ring to Gondor and use it. If the Ring is indeed affecting Boromir, I'm not sure how he would behave to Frodo when he refused his wish. You saw how down the man was; he was ashamed of something he had done. What, I do not know."

"And then you could not sense Frodo!" Sam practically shouted. "So Boromir could have done something to him! Something terrible! If that is the case, it is of even more importance that we find him soon!"

The hobbit quickened his pace further and pushed through a bush. He brushed twigs from his shirt and kept going. As he started up a steep hill, he slipped on the autumn colored leaves and fell face first onto the ground. With a deep sigh, he heaved himself up to his knees.

"Way to go, Gamgee!" he whispered to himself and groaned. "Once again, your clumsiness prevails…"

He felt Arwen place a gentle, pale hand on his shoulder and looked into her sparkling eyes that held much wisdom and concern.

"Sam, what is troubling you?" she asked.

"You mean besides the fact that Frodo wandered off alone into the forest after having encountered an unstable Boromir, carrying the One Ring which can only be described as pure evil and could well be walking towards the darkness that already awaits him?" Sam asked and stood from the ground with the elf's help. He brushed his clothes from dirt before he continued, "I'm scared for Frodo, milady... He is my best friend, and I would go with him to the end. But he isn't letting me, he keeps pushing me aside. He carries this burden alone when I know I could help him, if he would just let me…"

Arwen sighed, "He is a ring bearer, Sam, and they often conceive themselves to be alone. And in many regards, they are correct. We do not understand the burdens they carry upon their shoulders. ...The Ring is his burden, Sam."

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