Last March Of The Ents

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18. Last March of the Ents

Darkness. All around her. There was a frost in the dark that she never had sensed before and it seemed to bite its way into her very core. Except for the chill she felt nothing, nor did she see or hear anything. Slowly fears awoke inside of her and the shadows crept closer. She knew in her heart that she was powerless and could do nothing to escape it.

"Do not worry, Arwen. Stay strong in your beliefs and all will be well. Trust me, dearest child..." Arwen frowned at the sound of a voice within her head. It had been nothing more than the whisper of the wind yet it was both familiar and long forgotten. It had sounded almost like... But it was impossible!

As she pondered it, another strong voice broke through the shadows and echoed through the deep abyss of darkness, "Open your eyes, Arwen."

She did as this second voice had told her and opened her silver eyes to gaze upon the world.

The fear within subsided and was replaced by confusion for she realized that she was back home in Rivendell. Above her, she could see a dark, clouded sky without the rays of the warm sun that she was so used to seeing. With a frown she sat up and realized that she was on a daybed on one of the open balconies. She looked around and saw that leaves had fallen from the trees and lay golden on the ground and bed around her. She saw them shimmering in and out of focus as if Rivendell was clouded in shadows and not just its skies. It seemed the land of the elves was lost to the evil of the deep dark.

Arwen's heart beat furiously in her chest as panic gripped her throat once more. Was Rivendell truly lost? She had thought it was the last place that would be conquered by any evil but now it stood without hope against a waning horizon.

"We are not doomed, child…" It was her father's voice and she turned as her eyes searched for him.

Glimmering in a silvery light, he walked towards the daybed and the elf maiden knew that at least her father had not succumbed. In his wise face she saw both grim awareness and vague hope.

"Ada?" she asked in confusion. "What is happening? Why am I in Imladris?"

"Your thoughts are clouded, Arwen. I led them to this place. This is not the real Rivendell but merely your vision of it," Elrond explained in a gentle tone as he sat down on the bed next to her.

"Ú-chenion," she said with a frown and watched her father intently. (I do not understand.)

"Our home is clouded to you, my daughter, because of a fixed darkness within your mind. It is nested deep inside and has begun to obstruct your thoughts."

Arwen sat in silence and looked up at her father after he finished. Cautiously she asked, "...What must I do? What must I do to be rid of this shadow?"

A small, warm smile spread across Elrond's lips. "Come home, Arwen."

Her eyes widened as she beheld his grey orbs. Elrond's eyes shone with an open, honest fear and looked at her without faltering.

"Man?" she asked. (What?)

"Arwen, telin le thaed," Elrond said. "If you do not come home now, there is a chance you never will." (Arwen, I have come to help.)

The elf maiden turned her face away and a frown spread across her features. She tried to clear her thoughts but felt confusion obstruct her attempts and she sighed in defeat. She was reminded of their parting in Rivendell as the fellowship had set off and she knew her father had always wanted her home. He had never accepted her will and she wasn't entirely surprised he wanted to change her mind once more. Either way, she had to try and understand the reasons behind all this and so racked her brain for ideas.

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