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27. Return

Shadow. Darkness.

Both seemed to confusingly familiar to her in some away. The first thing that came to Arwen's mind was that day in Fangorn when she had fallen unconscious and her father had guided her back onto her path. Yes, journey into darkness had felt very similar to this.

Still, there was only an empty nothingness in this place and no guiding hand for her to reach out for. She had no memory of how she ended up here, in fact all her memories seemed to come and go in sporadic bursts. Some important conversations from her journey with the fellowship came and went in the darkness like an echo. Arwen listened closely to the words as she tried to make sense of it all.

"Frodo, don't give in! Not now... What grace has been given to me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared. Save him."

"There is one who could unite the world of Men… One who could reclaim the throne of Gondor."

"A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Aragorn. Ú or le a ú or nin."

"Bring forth the Ring, Frodo."

"Ten companions. I, too, will follow Frodo into the darkness of Mordor."

"There is only death waiting for you here."

"It was a dream, Arwen. Nothing more."

"It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing."

"The two of you will be separated, only time may tell if you will find your way back to each other before the end."

"... What if I am not the great king everyone believes I will become?"

"The life you deserve might never exist... The only way you will be guaranteed safety and happiness is in the Undying Lands."

"I did not realize the Ring had grown to be such a burden, Frodo."

"You're trying to control something that cannot be controlled. You and Strider are afraid of what lies ahead, we all are... But if we give in to fear we have already lost against the shadows."

"If you die and Aragorn is present, forced to watch you succumb to a faith he may not see for many long years, he will be helpless. He will never be able to rule his people then. And do you believe he will be able to live on? He would be more pained by your death than your parting to Valinor. Just as I and all of our kin would be."

"Why is this happening to me?"

"When the Fellowship set out on our quest the bond between Sauron and Frodo grew stronger, because of the Ring, but also Sauron's hold on you."

"I know that my elven life ought to be enough to save me from his powers, but my decision to remain behind has weakened even that part of me. My elven life is fading, Aragorn."

"Arwen, if you die I will be torn apart... It is my worst nightmare. At least if you remain by my side we can fight this. Together."

"... I wish I could have seen him one last time."

"I know who you are, Undomíel. You are the hope of one I cannot see take the throne. Therefor, you must die..."

Then, she was dead.

This conclusion didn't quite sit right with the elf maiden now that she pondered it. If she was dead, why was she still trapped in these never ending shadows?

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