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19. Reunited

Aragorn stood in the chamber he shared with Boromir, Legolas and Gimli in the city of Edoras. Try as he might, he could not keep the smile off his face.

Three days ago the battle of Helm's Deep had been won, partly because of the unexpected help of the elves and partly (as most seemed to believe) because of the leadership of one particular ranger. Though Aragorn could not take any credit, he was grateful for the people's belief in him and the fact that they had followed him into victory. They had all lost many friends on that rainy night, but now felt that they had turned over a new leaf. From here, things could go finally go up and become a brighter tomorrow. Aragorn himself had felt the hope rise within him anew when he had seen Gandalf and Éomer upon the ridge with the latter's band of warriors. It had been the final thrust and what had finally won them the battle at daybreak.

Not many hours after their victory, king Théoden had decided his people were safe enough to be brought back to their homes and they had made the long journey back to the city at the mount, to which they had arrived merely hours before.

Aragorn had noticed Gandalf and Théoden bicker on the way back and had learned that the wizard wished for a small group to take another path instead of returning to Edoras at this time. Gandalf had wished to go to Isengard as soon as he could, but had eventually agreed to wait. Théoden still wanted his old friend by his side as his people settled back in Edoras. The king had told the ranger the discussion had been easily won and Aragorn pondered if this meant that Gandalf dreaded the upcoming meeting with Saruman at the same time as he knew it was inevitable. Irregardless, Aragorn, too, had a desire to leave for the dark tower, albeit for different reasons, and had ended up urging the king to change his plans.

Théoden knew he owed the man much for what he had done for the king's people and reluctantly had given his consent. Time was of the essence, after all, and the wizard needed to be brought down before he could flee. They had decided to leave shortly after getting everyone back to Edoras and with those words the king had managed to lift Aragorn's heart to the skies.

As the ranger walked back and forth in the room to prepare to ride out, he felt almost giddy as a child, it was a feeling the usually collected ranger was fairly unused to but still treasured greatly. If they were to set out for Orthanc, Aragorn was surely to be reunited with Arwen in only a matter of hours. The mere thought widened his grin as he changed outfit.

He shrugged on his hauberk over the red tunic he already wore and then finished off with his jerkin on top. Just as he buttoned up his jerkin there was a knock on the wooden door. Aragorn turned as the lady Éowyn walked in, clad in a velvet green dress and a golden belt made in the resemblance of horses in full run. There was almost a timid look in her pale eyes and she bowed her head courtly before asking, "My lord Théoden wishes you to know that they are prepared to set out. He wishes to know if you are as well?"

"Ah," Aragorn said with a smile as he finished buttoning the shirt. He leaned down and picked up his sword from the bed and strapped the belt around his hips. "You can tell him that I am ready… Do you know what? I believe I will tell him myself, milady."

He turned to the lady then and saw the intense look in her eyes as she beheld him in return. In her blue eyes he could see desire mixed with despair and her gaze reminded him of the sky on a cloudy day. He could not understand her sudden sadness for she had been so joyful since they had won at Helm's Deep. Aragorn had hoped this meant the lady would smile more often, but had apparently been hoping in vain.

"Is something wrong, milady?" he asked with a frown as his smile momentarily wiped from his face.

She seemed surprised at his words and immediately shook her head, "Nay, my lord. I am well."

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