The First Look

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It was the last day of summer, the last day of vocations and the fun days and ending plans. The boys and the girls will be senior at Miami highschool, not knowing what is waiting for them putting their hopes and dreams infront of them and trying to figure out what works for their future lives.

It was a sunny day when Kami woke up early for a run, wore her clothes and put on some music that matches the mood of running, she met up with her neighbor Jacob who always had crush on her craving she would give him a chance with no yes from her, he gave up long time ago, they had little chat about tomorrow going back to school. than she came back home few minutes later, said hi to her parents who were up by the time, "hey baby, you went for a run early again" "well yes Dad I have to keep it up" she got in, played with her cat Shadow a little before heading to take a nice shower.
She was thinking while showing about how hard this summer was for her, her parents wasn't getting along and she discovered that she had a heart disease pretty late, which she is trying to heal from, not losing hope, and fighting depression in silent. Kami is a Latino girl brunette with short hair and dark brown eyes, she is always positive funny and everyone loves her company, she was the badass bitch in the groupe, she gives good advices but always wish she would follow them her self. She loves music, she has an amazing voice that everyone adores, but deep down she was insecure about how she sounds sometimes, she never shows her emotions or weakness that they always think she's a girl made of stone. Even though she didn't learn to play and instrument in a early age, only 2 years ago she got her first guitar, and got really good at playing it, Jacob helped her because he was a professional, music was something personal for Kami she never shared it with anyone, songs that will never be played and dreams that will never fade.

"Kami! Go wake up Adam" Mrs Louther says " that boy is such a lazy mess, he stays up all night and sleep all day long" Mr Louther said laughing "Oh well he must get up before you go and flipped the bed and he's in it", she laughed in respond. Adam is Kami's younger brother he was a naughty one but a smart one as well, he's grades at school were always high. Kami went to wake him up and have breakfast together, they were talking and laughing, it was such a beautiful morning.

Kami went that evening to a party at her friend's house to say goodbye to summer, and catch up, it was crowded with a lot of people, there were drinks and dances, she joined her Friends groupe chatting about what each one of them did this summer, Michel which she was the rich pretty girl told them " I went to Paris to do shopping for my trip to Australia to have some sunlight it was amazing but the bugs were everywhere I hated that!" Kami says laughing " well Miami has beautiful beaches and sunlight is everywhere Michel I hope you didn't bring any bugs with you" " just let her show off I bet she enjoyed it I saw your pictures they were amazing" Mila said, " thanks dear" she said with a devil smile "What about you Karate kid !did you do anything interesting this summer?!" Jacob asked, and that got Kami to zone out thinking about the secret that she didn't tell anyone about that she had her first night with a girl since she always knew she was a lesbian, "from earth to Kami over!" Anna said "uhm sorry! no actually all I did was work out and visit some family members here and there" she said, " ohh Someone is having abs now huh!" Anna said laughing. The conversations went from here and there untill Kami went out to light up a cigarette, she felt like drinking too but she had to stay out of it because of the championship of karate-do she's having soon.

A pretty girl with long black hair, with light green eyes showed up few minutes later at the balcony where Kami was smoking her cigarette "hey! Do you have a lighter you'd save my ass" the girl from behind said.. " got Kami to turn around "sure! Here" "thanks I needed a cigarette to run from this nightmare" the girl said, "what nightmare?" Kami asked smiling at the girl, " parties at houses are not my thing" " why did you come over than" kami asked taking a sip of her drink, " I came with a friend who's following her stupid crush" the girl said giggling, "ohh feelings huh" they both laughed at that , the girl with green eyes took a good look at Kami with a moment of silence between them realizing how beautiful Kami was that evening, "god, she gorgeous " Kami was about to say something before the girl said "I'm sorry my name is Eda, and you are...?" Kami smiled and said "It's kami, my name is Kami"she answered smiling nervously, "alright, Kami! Thanks for lighting me up, I must go to my friend by now" said in joy, and Kami felt a heart beat when she looked deeply into Eda's eyes," always welcome" she waved at the girl who left and Kami still following her with her eyes, thinking of that beautiful smile, Wondering if that gurl was into girls because the vibe was so gay, than remembered that she didn't even solve it between her own self to think of a new crush now " I overthink everything I should shake off this idea out my head before I name our kids, but goddamn she's beautiful".

Everyone got back home Including Kami, after long evening of dancing and sweat, Mila drove her drunk friends home. Kami said bye to Mila since she was the last one to drive and got in the house. Her cat was happy to see her but only because he wanted a treat "ohh shadow I thought you missed me but you only want food huh!" She looked at him and he looked at her " god you are so cute to say no to" she gave him a kiss and a treat before she went to bed after she showered, got her clothes ready and a early alarm to wake up on, she went to bed and Shadow followed her he loved sleeping with her, she was thinking about her sexuality and how she would live with it any longer, that she must tell her parents and friends soon.

A lot of thought came into Kami's head, looking at the lights in her room walls, she turned on her side when the thought of the green eyes and the light smile of That girl she met.. Eda.

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