.:+ Star gazing (2) +:.

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Peridot tugged at Lapis' hand, urging her to follow. "We gotta get there before night!" She grinned, bubbling with excitement as she dragged the confused gem along. Lapis snorted, and a deep blue blush spread across her face. Giggling, she asked, "Why's that?" Peridot just shrugged, pretending to be oblivious to her own plan and playfully sneering. "I just like it at night, I guess." She mused.

Since her and Lapis had had their little pity party and made up a few nights ago, they'd spent a lot of time together. With Bismuth now mooning over Pearl, the blue and green duo were left with just each other the majority of the time; enough time to catch up at last. Peridot pointed her glistening eyes upward, watching as dusk trickled away into night with streaking colors of orange, pink and blue painting the sky like a canvas. She hadn't realized until this very moment how much she had deeply missed Lapis.

Since Lapis has left, it always felt like there was an empty hole inside of her, only growing larger as the time went by. Seeing her around after her return didn't help either. Peridot took a sharp turn, still towing Lapis behind her as she stoped in front of her desired location.

She bounded closer to the entrance of Beach city Fun-land, standing just beneath the glowing, arching sign. Lapis looked up with a befuddled stare. "Fun-land? I've been here once with Steven, but that was some time ago." She commented, casting a questioning gaze to her with soft blue eyes. "So, what exactly do you wanna do here?" Lapis added contently, squeezing Peridot's hand. Peridot shrugged again. "There's a few things I wanna do, but I want you to choose some stuff too." Lapis rolled her eyes and smirked in response. Ok, but I don't even know what half the stuff here is."


During Lapis' reign of choice, she had picked mostly carnival games, stands and fun houses. Both of them ended up with accessories, mainly bands of neon blue and green glow sticks that strung from their wrists and necks. They even happened to stumble upon a mirror maze, which Lapis was surprisingly eager to do, and to her wish they both went inside for a go.

Peridot hadn't done something such as this, and she was nonetheless confused at the complexity and pointlessness of going through it, yet she wandered around anyway, content with Lapis' happiness. As they were winding through the said to be maze, Peridot spotted the exit not too far ahead and made an unexpected run for it; only to collide with a reflection of herself, gem first, with a loud bang that sent her crashing backwards, her back ramming into another mirror as she fell.

A simple "ow" was all Peridot said, touching her gem and adjusting her crooked visors, but Lapis was far more concerned than she was.

Racing over with little to no hesitation, she yanked Peridot up to her feet by the wrist and cupped her face with both hands, anxiously examining her gem with unsettled wild eyes. She swatted at Lapis' hands, grumbling, "I'm fine, I'm fine!", but the overprotective water gem didn't seem to care for the time being.

After she was sure Peridot was ok, she gave a long, and drawn out sigh, moving one hand down onto Peridot's shoulder and the other behind her head. "Ya kinda scared me for a second." She said sheepishly, looking away. "Maybe you should be more cautious, goofball." With that, Peridot felt a warm glow spread on her face and nodded a 'yes', turning back towards the exit; only to walk into another mirror.

Lapis eventually had to guide her out by hand.


As the sky finally gave away to a sheet of yawning darkness, Peridot knew it was time. Grabbing an unsuspecting Lapis by the forearm, she pranced along a little ways until they both stood in front of a fancily lit Ferris wheel. Bulbs on the rim flickered different colors ,while carts tilted in the soft wind and couples alike talked over the fuss, each of them in their own little world.

An uncorrupted Zebra Jasper was at the podium, working the ride for the time being as she operated the wheel and boarded the passengers. The line was in practically empty, and with a nod the Jasper beckoned them into an open cart, politely holding the door open and giving them a respectful grin. Peridot hauled herself in first, with Lapis following close behind, ducking her head to avoid hitting it on the roof of the basket. Once they had settled into their seats, Lapis to the left of her, she swung the little door shut and gave a cheerful thumbs up, turning away to start the ride.

Peridot bounced in her seat, starry eyed and eager to get moving while Lapis looked out the other edge, one arm propped on the cart rim and gazing out at the sea. Their ride was pale blue with a baby pink top, scuffed, but still dancing with flavor. Lace like carvings hung over the edge, and four secure white poles lifted it from the ground. Peridot scooted closer to her edge and peered down, watching as the people bellow them grew small.

Pools of stars littered the dark sky above them, some brighter than others and some lined into constellations. Peridot nudged Lapis with one hand, gesturing for her to come closer. As she slid over, Peridot pointed down at a now small fun-land. Different auras of lights flickered, and the shouting of people soared through the air. Everything from this angle was so perfectly animated, and that's what Peridot had wanted Lapis to see.

Her sparkling eyes widened as they darted around, settling on different tents and attractions at a time. "It's beautiful up here." She noted, placing both hands on the edge as she leaned over her to look. Peridot stumbled over her words as she tried to speak, "I-it's not as nice as little homeschool's view.. but I thought you might like it." She finished, looking away bashfully as she waited for the other gems response.

Without moving, Lapis replied. "I think it's better than little homeschool's view. You can see more detail." She turned to Peridot, an amused look on her face. "Thank you."

They met eyes for a heartbeat until Lapis went back to watching the vivid bustle bellow. The ride had finally made it to the top, and now both of them looked out in awe.

Suddenly, a sharp, cold wind wound its way around them, and Peridot shivered. Lapis looked to her right at her, a small, sly smile to her face. "Cold?" She asked. Peridot nodded with a faint 'mhm', crossing her arms and hugging her shoulders as another shudder passed through her. She was taken by surprise as Lapis jut out an arm and hooked it around he chest, pulling her close and giving her a lengthy soft kiss on the cheek, before resting her head on top of Peridot's pointed hair with a gentle nudge.

Wide eyed and blushing madly, Peridot finally settled, pressing herself closer to Lapis with a warm and thankful sigh, giving a quick nuzzle of her own under Lapis' chin and looking up as she looked down. They both dissolved into a series of giggles.

They both stayed positioned there that until the ride was over.

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